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Firearm Injury Prevention Free Course

The BulletPoints Project has launched its free, on-demand continuing education cours e, “ Preventing Firearm Injury: What Clinicians Can Do .” The Preventing Firearm Injury continuing education course teac hes medical and mental health care providers how to identify patients who are at increased risk for firearm injury, to engage in conversations about firearm injury prevention with patients, and to intervene appropriately for the level and type of risk. The course focuses on several...

Paradigm Shifts to Change Toxic Workplaces: How Shifting Perspectives Impacts Company Culture

There is a common trend where organizations acknowledge that we need change. They see the value in DEI work, and they genuinely want to embody social justice in their work. But nothing changes. If leaders value change and are ready to create change in their organizations, why are they still struggling to achieve equitable treatment, anti-racist working environments, and safety at work? One reason for this barrier is that while leaders are ready to create change at work , they skip over an...

2023 HOPE Summit Announcements []

By The HOPE Team, 8/18/22 The next HOPE Summit will take place on March 29th and March 30th, 2023 featuring our Keynote speaker, Dr. Dolores Acevedo Garcia , Samuel F. and Rose B. Gingold Professor of Human Development and Social Policy and Director at the Institute for Child, Youth, and Family Policy at Brandeis University. Our theme will be Practicing HOPE and will include three workshop sessions over the two days, sharing how different sectors can implement the HOPE framework and what...

New Transforming Trauma Episode: Lostness, Trauma and Stories of Transformation with Bayo Akomolafe

In this episode of Transforming Trauma, our host Emily is joined by Bayo Akomolafe, Ph.D. Trained in clinical psychology, Bayo now works as an author, speaker, and professor. He is recognized worldwide for his thoughtful and unconventional take on global crises, trauma and social change. Throughout their conversation, Bayo shares about his journey and reflections on trauma. Bayo starts off by sharing a proverb from his Yoruba people: “In order to find your way, you must become lost”. This...

Upcoming event: Rx Healing Circle!

Welcome to Rx Virtual Healing Circle s! This session serves as an opportunity for building the beloved community and fostering healing through a shared humanity perspective. We invite you to join us in sharing a connective space for people to offer compassion and experience unity. Join us Wednesday, August 31, 2022 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Please register here:

Compliance to Compassion: Supporting Students, Teachers & Staff in Challenging Times

The past two years have been so very challenging. As we start yet another school year, we know that we’ve seen an increase in stress-related/trauma-related behaviors. The focus on “managing” behavior in many schools is failing children and the educators who serve them. This full-day virtual event will focus on hope, reframing our lenses and compassionate solutions. The day will be headlined by Alfie Kohn, author of Punished by Rewards . Other speakers include: Jim Sporleder Dr. Stuart...

A Reflection from the 2022 PJI Teachers Academy

A cohort of over 20 educators took part in this summers' Peace and Justice Institute Teachers Academy (PJITA). The weeklong program included a training (developed by the CRC Network) titled Why Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs) Matter. Below is a reflection from one of the program participants. Author: Daniel J. Smith, MA Photo Credits: Willie J. Allen Jr. From June 27, 2022, through July 1, 2022, I participated in the Peace and Justice Institute’s Teacher’s Academy at...

The Rise of the Worker Productivity Score []

By Jodi Kantor and Arya Sundaram, Image: Beth Flynn/The New York Times, The New York Times, August 14, 2022 A FEW YEARS AGO , Carol Kraemer, a longtime finance executive, took a new job. Her title, senior vice president, was impressive. The compensation was excellent: $200 an hour. But her first paychecks seemed low. Her new employer, which used extensive monitoring software on its all-remote workers, paid them only for the minutes when the system detected active work. Worse, Ms. Kraemer...

With new federal funding, scientists rebuild the field of gun violence research []

By Juana Summers, Kai McNamee, and Justine Kenin, Photo: Unsplash, National Public Radio, August 15, 2022 Efforts to understand gun violence have received almost no funding in recent decades, a reality that's due to a specific amendment backed by the National Rifle Association. JUANA SUMMERS, HOST: From coronavirus to prescription drugs to cars, the federal government studies what impacts the health and safety of Americans. But since 1996, efforts to understand gun violence have received...

The Two Simple Edicts of Successful Addiction Treatment []

By Beth Macy, Illustration: Celia Jacobs, The New York Times, August 15, 2022 On a chilly spring evening in 2021, Tim Nolan set up a portable addiction clinic next to a McDonald’s dumpster, and he waited. His desk was the dashboard of his gray Prius, his office this parking lot, which smelled like frying oil and trash. The hatchback of the nurse practitioner’s car was full of hepatitis C testing kits, clean needles, fentanyl test strips — and pizzas. Mr. Nolan’s first appointment of the...

‘It should have been celebrated’: the fight to save a thriving Black school []

By Adrian Horton, Photo: Argot Pictures, The Guardian, August 15, 2022 T here’s a moment early in Let the Little Light Shine, a riveting documentary on one community’s fight to preserve their grade school, when it becomes clear that Chicago’s National Teachers Academy is no ordinary place. It’s a school assembly, and the students – overwhelmingly Black and brown children from the city’s South Side, kindergarten through eighth grade – pack benches in the cafeteria. Two of the older students...

What Should Mayors Do After Mass Shootings? []

By Patrick Sisson, Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images North America, Bloomberg City Lab, August 15, 2022 Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer got a call shortly after 2 a.m. The deputy police chief of the Florida city, Robert Anzueto, told him that there was an active shooter at an LGBTQ nightclub called Pulse; multiple casualties were involved and the gunman had taken hostages. It was June 12, 2016. Dyer’s first response: call his then 26-year-old son, to make sure he wasn’t inside. “I called him just to...

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