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A National Survey of Parent Support Legislation and Regulations

From Abstract: Parent education has a positive impact on children, parents, families, and the community. CHILDREN AT RISK and Bracewell & Giuliani LLP conducted a policy scan of state statutes regarding parent education. Full article may be downloaded from the open access journal, Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk Nancy Correa, Bethanie Van Horne, Christopher Greeley, & Angelo Giardino. A National Survey of Parent Support...

Are you screening for ACEs?

  More and more people from across different sectors are screening people for ACEs . They’re also educating them about ACEs at the same time. I’m working on a couple of stories — one is about home visiting programs in Washington...

My ACES and Me, (part 2): Hiding in Plain Sight

In my first "My ACES and Me" blog post published one month ago, [Feb 18, 2015] I invited you all along with me on a brief tour of the 7 (or 6, or 8?) adverse childhood experience categories that make up my ACES score.  At the time of that writing, I had fully expected to continue that story line in chronological fashion, sharing the first, initial consequences in my life as I crossed the ACES time boundary of 21 years old and beyond.  Perhaps I believed that further...

Introduction to EvaluACTION

EvaluACTION  is designed for people interested in learning about program evaluation and how to apply it to their work. Evaluation is a process, one dependent on what you’re currently doing and on the direction in which you’d like go....

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