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Hotter than Dubai: US cities at risk of Middle Eastern temperatures by 2100 []

By Oliver Milman, Photo: Davidovich Mikhail/Alamy, The Guardian, August 1, 2022 The climate crisis risks pushing many Americans into entirely new climatic realities, with a new analysis finding there are 16 US cities at risk of having summer temperatures on a par with locations in the Middle East by the end of the century. Heatwaves have roiled huge swaths of the US this summer, placing nearly a third of the population under some sort of heat advisory and driving temperatures to as high as...

California's crack-of-dawn school ban could set a national trend []

By Jennifer A. Kingson, Illustration: Annelise Capossela/Axios, Axios, July 28, 2022 A landmark California law requiring high schools to start at 8:30am or later is jump-starting similar efforts nationwide after years of intense debate over schools' starting bells. Why it matters: Most teens don't get enough sleep — yet school start times are a hot-button political issue that divide communities, pitting teachers, parents, bus drivers, and administrators against one another. Pediatricians say...

Stop caving in! 💪

When you search for "childhood innocence", you get a lot of images of children with animals, children staring wide eyed, children in nature. A personal favorite I ran across was this one as I couldn't help but see myself in it :) I touched on this theme a bit in a recent Year of Self-Care video (you can watch it here if you missed it), and I recently had a conversation with Lisa Smith on the topic as well. Something I love that Lisa says in the opening of her book is: "Knowledge,...

‘Hunted’: one in three people killed by US police were fleeing, data reveals []

By Sam Levin, Photo: Gaelen Morse/Reuters, The Guardian, July 28, 2022 Nearly one third of people killed by US police since 2015 were running away, driving off or attempting to flee when the officer fatally shot or used lethal force against them, data reveals. In the past seven years, police in America have killed more than 2,500 people who were fleeing, and those numbers have slightly increased in recent years, amounting to an average of roughly one killing a day of someone running or...

Why Healing Men’s Depression Will Do More Good Than Curing Cancer – Part 5 []

By Jed Diamond, The Good Men Project, July 30, 2022 In parts 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 , I described the problem of depression, the extent of the problem, why our current approach is misguided and ultimately ineffective, why focusing on men can help women and children, and the foundations of a new approach for healing. Here I want to describe the program that I use and why this approach can not only heal individuals, families, and communities, but also heal our troubled relationship with the planet...

Can Gratitude Reduce Your Stress at Work? []

By Jill Suttie, Greater Good Magazine, July 27, 2022 Expressing gratitude nurtures our relationships , helping us to feel closer to our friends and romantic partners . Some research suggests that grateful people seem to cope better with stress and enjoy superior physical health , perhaps because of those stronger social relationships. What about experiencing gratitude with people we don’t know so well—like, those we work with? Could showing appreciation towards them affect our stress levels...

State/Territorial Policy Considerations for Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences []

By Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, Photo: Unsplash, ASTHO, July 21, 2022 Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are household traumas (e.g., being physically or sexually abused, having a caregiver with a substance use or mental health problem) and community adversities (e.g., inter-personal discrimination, witnessing community violence) experienced before age 18. Almost two-thirds of adults in the United States have experienced at least one ACE. Since the publication of...

Hopeful Stories from Ukraine

Today I would like to share with the PACES community some stories from our first round of OpSAFE camps in Ukraine. OperationSAFE is an evidence-based, community-run program that has been used in countries around the world to help children recover from trauma after disasters and conflict.

Adverse Childhood Experiences and 3 New Videos from Dr. Felitti and Dr. Alman

PACES, ACE Study, Collaboration of Treatment Solutions: Applied to Texas School Shootings As PACES Connection educates the world that mass shootings are preventable, here is support for their ideas and all of our hopes with actionable solutions. ACE Study’s Vincent J. Felitti MD describes what must be considered to help patients get better: Trauma Prevention and Healing, The ACE Study, San Diego TV Show, Texas School Shootings 2022 Please contribute your ideas and...

Songs of Life, Love, Loss & Hope - Set 2 - Healing Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health Injuries

Songs of Life, Love, Loss & Hope - Set 2 - Healing Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health Injuries - “A diagnosis is not a destiny” - Unknown “There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” - Laurell K. Hamilton 1] Sorrow 2] Brush Away Your Tears 3] When Your Heart Follows A Lie 4] Joy “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable.

Oglala Sioux Tribe Temporarily Suspends All Christian Missionary Work (

In an emergency meeting Tuesday July 26, the Oglala Sioux Tribal (OST) Council temporarily suspended all activity of Christian missions on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The OST passed an ordinance requiring all churches and religious organizations to complete a new form to request the right to conduct missionary work on the reservation. That form will be reviewed by the tribe’s executive committee. The tribe also put a restriction on utilizing images, videos, and names of the Pine Ridge...

The Loss of Cultural Identity and Neurological Dysregulation

Pre-COVID, I was invited to speak at a conference in Flagstaff, Arizona. During lunch the organizers brought dancers from the Apache tribe to perform. What we witnessed was so powerful and moving, that it prompted me to inquire about the spiritual significance of the songs and dance. They explained to me that after going to war, the warriors returned to their land and were gathered together to perform that particular dance and song. As a tribal African woman, it all made perfect sense. As...

How Doulas Can Include Dads

Kofi Bullock, a husband, father and certified male doula hosts "How Doulas Can Include Dads". This engaging online event will not only give doulas new language to communicate with expecting dads, but also provide tangible father centered resources. Bringing an in-depth perspective of how to include dads, you’ll leave the training with tips and tools to add to your intellectual “doula bag”. Click Here for more details

A ‘magical’ treatment for seniors with dementia: Horse therapy []

By Tara Bahrampour, Photo: Carolyn Van Houten/The Washington Post, The Washington Post, July 28, 2022 John Eliff wasn’t sure about painting a horse. Eliff, 91, stood beside Stetson, an 11-year-old palomino. He picked up a foam paintbrush, dipped it into a cup of purple paint and gingerly laid it on the horse’s pale-gold flank. With his son, Jack Eliff, standing protectively behind him, the elder Eliff started to paint. “Look at the color of this,” he said. Two vertical strokes and one...

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