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How to Follow the News Without Spiraling into Despair []

By Jenny Taitz, Illustration: Derek Abella, The New York Times, July 7, 2022 Following nonstop news in an era of gun violence, war and political divide can become overwhelming. And amid our many ongoing challenges — the pandemic, climate change, economic uncertainty — it’s understandable to feel sad, angry and anxious. As a clinical psychologist who specializes in giving people the tools to cope with intense emotions, I know how difficult it can be to remain positive — or simply balanced —...

Chris Wilson's Master Plan: A Conversation with Fritzi Horstman

Chris Wilson is the author of the book: "The Master Plan." He is a living example of how discipline, self-determination and knowing your self worth can change everything: including getting yourself out of prison. Chris Wilson splits his time between Baltimore, Maryland, and New York City and works as a visual artist, author, film producer, and social justice advocate. Through his work, he investigates societal injustices, human relationships, and public policies.

We Know How to Prevent Eating Disorders, But We’re Doing the Opposite.

Eating disorders have been expanding dramatically in recent decades, and the COVID-19 pandemic appears to have pushed us to even higher rates of eating disorders. Hospital wards are full of children who need to be medically stabilized before they can even begin treatment for the condition. The frustrating thing about the increasing rates of eating disorders is that we know many of them are preventable. As biopsychosocial disorders, they are rooted in heredity and individual psychology, but...

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter July 2022

Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter July 2022 “ By giving ourselves unconditional kindness and comfort while embracing the human experience, difficult as it is, we avoid destructive patterns of fear, negativity, and isolation.” -...

7 Most Important Aspects of Trauma Sensitivity Training

Full implementation of a trauma-informed approach typically takes three years to accomplish, but many organizations are looking for more manageable solutions that require fewer resources. If you want to implement trauma-informed practices but aren’t ready for full implementation, here are some of the most important aspects of trauma sensitivity training that you can share with your team. Developing a One-Page Resource for Trauma Sensitivity Training Recently a colleague asked for my input on...

What New Abortion Bans Mean for the Youngest Patients []

By Dana Goldstein and Ava Sasani, Photo: Jamie Kelter Davis, The New York Times, July 16, 2022 She was just 10 years old, so young that many people were horrified when they heard it, and others refused to believe it. But the ordeal of the child rape victim in Ohio who had to cross state lines for an abortion, and the ugly political fight that followed , have highlighted two uncomfortable facts: Such pregnancies are not as rare as people think, and new abortion bans are likely to have a...

Broken and distrusting: why Americans are pulling away from the daily news []

By Chris McGreal, Photo: Carlo Allegri/Reuters, The Guardian, July 17, 2022 This might be just another negative news story. And if it is, there is evidence that many of you will turn away in despair. The Reuters Institute revealed last month that 42% of Americans actively avoid the news at least some of the time because it grinds them down or they just don’t believe it. Fifteen percent said they disconnected from news coverage altogether. In other countries, such as the UK and Brazil, the...

Mother Nature Dissents []

By Ronald Brownstein, Image: Getty/The Atlantic, The Atlantic, July 15, 2022 M other nature is entering a dissenting opinion on last month’s Supreme Court decision that weakened the federal government’s ability to combat climate change. With record heat in Texas that is testing the state’s power grid, a California wildfire that has threatened an ancient grove of sequoias considered a foundation stone of the national-park system, and persistent drought across the West that is forcing...

Opinion At long last, the Olympic injustice done to Jim Thorpe is corrected []

By David Maraniss, Photo: Associated Press, The Washington Post, July 17, 2022 More than a century late but better late than never, the Olympic powers-that-be at long last have restored Jim Thorpe to his deserved place in sports history. The records he set and gold medals he won in the decathlon and pentathlon at the 1912 Stockholm Olympics are official now, his alone, 69 years after he died of a heart attack in a trailer home in Southern California, broke and lonely, if not forgotten. As a...

Anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act

July 26 th is the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) being signed in 1990. While as a person of goodness, it grieves me that such laws are needed, until we have a better society, I am thankful for the work that has been done. Given its importance, since many are unaware of the history of the ADA, its elements, and the notable progress since, I want to briefly share just a bit. Before I do, because I am who I am, let me note, that I am also aware and understand the...

The Relentless School Nurse: Believe in the Difference You Make & Set Boundaries!

(*Editor's note: News about Robin! Rutgers–Camden lecturer inducted into the National Academy of School Nursing ) Did I ever tell you that I LOVE snail mail, especially handwritten notes sent through the mail? The other day I sorted through the mail and found three cards! One was from Mom's Demand Action thanking me for speaking at a recent rally. One was from Jeanne Kiefner, a school nursing treasure who will be our forever "Head Nurse," thanking me for spending time together during our...

New member.

Hi. My name is Andrea. I attended an online seminar last week with Avaiya. One of the guest speakers was Dr Greg. I would just like to acknowledge that I found this talk to be excellent; it was very informative and he was so down to earth. I was touched by his story and connected with many elements of his life history. I'm very happy that I am now a member. Thank you. Keep up the great work.

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