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[FREE LIVE MASTERCLASS] The Top 10 Truths Every Teacher Needs to Know About Trauma

Can we talk about childhood trauma for a sec? More specifically… How it's impacting your students' learning and behavior in the classroom? The reason I bring this up is that before the global pandemic, childhood trauma was already at epidemic-level proportions. That was before Covid... (Yeah, I know.) Since the pandemic, we can estimate that those numbers have skyrocketed. What does this mean for teachers? Well, on one hand you've got more children walking into your classroom under the...

6 New Communities Join PACEs Connection

Please welcome these new communities to the network. Prince George's County, MD PACEs Connection Chapter (MD) Resilient Wilco (TX) HB Foster Care Initiative (NC) South Central Resiliency Project (TN) Trauma-Informed Community Asia Northeast Florida Ace Alliance (FL) Details about each of them are below, as is information about starting and growing your community initiatives and joining the Cooperative of Communities . Prince George's County, MD PACEs Connection Chapter :...

HOPE and Anti-racism Approaches - New Online Course []

The HOPE National Resource Center (NRC) will release a new online training, HOPE and Anti-racism Approaches. In this free course, Dr. Sege and Dr. Stephens share specific anti-racism approaches that are essential to implementing HOPE in any setting. The four lessons offer video lectures, interactive quizzes, and access to a variety of resources. [ Click here to read the full blog .]

For Many Women, Roe Was About More Than Abortion. It Was About Freedom. []

By Julie Bosman, Photo: Nina Robinson/The New York Times, The New York Times, June 29, 2022 Countless women wept. Some spent the weekend burning white-hot with rage, commiserating with friends and mothers and sisters. Many were fearful, recognizing the feeling of a freedom being taken away and thinking to themselves: This could only get worse. Millions of American women spent the past five days absorbing the news that the Supreme Court had overturned Roe v. Wade , erasing the constitutional...

Los Angeles County votes to return beach property taken from Black owners in Jim Crow era []

By Meron Moges-Gerbi and Cheri Mossburg, Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images, CNN US, June 29, 2022 A stretch of prime Southern California beachfront real estate was returned to the descendants of its Black owners Tuesday, nearly a century after the parcel was taken by the city of Manhattan Beach. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to give the land back to the family of the owners, Charles and Willa Bruce . Known as Bruce's Beach, the resort had offered Black families a...

How Libraries Came to be Sanctuaries for LGBTQ Kids []

By Beth Hawkins, Photo: Kay Tobin/Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library, The 74, June 29, 2022 In May 2021, as efforts to ban books on LGBTQ topics from school libraries were gaining political steam, “Two Grooms on a Cake: The Story of America’s First Gay Wedding” was published. It is a children’s story about Michael McConnell’s 1971 marriage to a man, which was upheld as legal by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2015. But McConnell isn’t just a protagonist in a book; as a...

Arizona offers free college tuition to the state's Native students []

By Sequoia Carrillo, Photo: John Locher/Associate Press, National Public Radio, June 28, 2022 The University of Arizona announced Monday that Native American students no longer would have to pay tuition or fees at its main campus in Tucson. The university hopes the new program better serves the state's large Native population. The program, a first of its kind in an Arizona public university, will be available for students registered to any of the state's 22 federally recognized tribes . More...

The Black Men's Health Project

Hi. While you might already be aware of this, in case you aren't, wanted to share: http:// . And, if you go to the "take the survey" link, if it's of benefit, participants are provided "with a $15 Amazon Gift Card claim code and a free personalized report on how your health compares to your peers."

My Journey from Trauma to Healing with What Happened to you by Dr. Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey

My mom passed away in September 2019, just a few months before the pandemic began. Her passing was sudden and unexpected. After her passing, the plan was that I would return to the town where I grew up the following summer to scatter her remains. Due to the pandemic, this was not possible. A year after my mom’s passing, I began graduate school where I studied Community & Social Change. I’d always known I wanted to continue my education as I have a passion for community and a heart for...

In a Year of ‘Abysmal’ Student Behavior, Ed Dept. Seeks Discipline Overhaul []

By Linda Jacobson, Photo: Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images, The 74, June 23, 2022 This summer marks the third time in eight years that the U.S. Department of Education is overhauling its policy on how school districts should handle student discipline. And while the controversy surrounding the issue hasn’t changed, the pandemic offers up a troubling new context: Districts are reporting spikes in student misconduct , violent attacks on school employees and blatant disregard for school rules.

Does Your Child Have an Unhealthy Relationship With Technology? []

By Yalda Uhls, Greater Good Magazine, June 28, 2022 Several years ago, when my son was a preteen, I worried he was addicted to video games. I remember looking into his room and seeing his tiny body in an oversized office chair. He sat there for hours, wearing gigantic headphones and shouting to his fellow players while his fingers moved the gaming mouse. I told myself it was social. At least when he was playing the game, he was interacting with the other people playing the game with him.

Sheriffs Who Denounced Colorado’s Red Flag Law Are Now Using It []

By Markian Hawryluk, Photo: Eyeem/Getty Images, Kaiser Health News, June 28, 2022 Dolores County Sheriff Don Wilson never expected to use Colorado’s red flag law when it was passed in 2019. He thought the law made it too easy to take a person’s guns away. The statute allows law enforcement officers or private citizens to petition a county court to confiscate firearms temporarily from people who pose an imminent threat to themselves or others. “All it is is one person’s word against another,”...

How Schools & Communities Can Work Together for the Betterment of Both []

By Katy Knight, Illustration: Siegel Family Endowment, The 74, June 27, 2022 The past two years have demonstrated that schools are much more than places of education. While pandemic-related closures interrupted learning, reduced academic expectations and widened inequality gaps for students, they also carried high consequences for communities at large. When schools shut down, working parents — especially women — who were left without child care suffered career setbacks as they struggled to...

It’s time for US small businesses to care about mental health []

By Gene Marks, Photo: Drazen Zigic/Getty Images/iStockphoto, The Guardian, June 26, 2022 Recently, the Society of Human Resources Executives surveyed approximately 3,100 HR executives about the benefits their companies are providing and of course the obvious ones – healthcare, retirement and paid time off – made the top of the list. But here’s something that should catch your attention if you’re a small business owner: more than 91% of the respondents also said that their company provides...

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