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Cheap Drinks And Risk-Taking Fuel College Drinking Culture []

  [Image: Rob Donnelly]  There's no question that alcohol is a factor in the majority of sexual assaults on campus. And alcohol is abundant and very present at most colleges today. In fact, federal health officials say more than 80 percent of college students drink. And about half say they binge drink. This means more than four drinks for women and more than five drinks for men, within a two-hour time frame. "Everybody's drinking to get drunk," says Dr. Sharon Levy , a...

What your 1st-grade life says about the rest of it []

 [Linda Davidson photo] ...Over time, their lives were constrained — or cushioned — by the circumstances they were born into, by the employment and education prospects of their parents, by the addictions or job contacts that would become their economic inheritance. Johns Hopkins researchers Karl Alexander and Doris Entwisle watched as less than half of the group graduated high school on time. Before they turned 18, 40 percent of the black girls from low-income homes had...

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