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Suicide Attempt Survivors Seek A Voice In Helping Others At Risk

...[DeQuincy] Lezine and [Cara] Anna, who now lives in New York City, are pioneers in a movement demanding a voice for suicide attempt survivors. They helped craft a issued Monday by the that calls for evidence-based support and treatment for people who have had (or are having) suicidal thoughts. That includes support groups and peer counseling for people who've been suicidal; compassionate and humane treatment for people in the midst of a suicide crisis; respite centers and other...

Putting the 'Home' in Nursing Home

Mealtime. Naptime. Bath time. Bedtime. Everything is on a schedule for residents in a traditional nursing home, leaving little flexibility for personal decision making. But LaVrene Norton is working to change that.  Norton is founder and...

Can meditation really slow aging?

[Photo: Katrin Wuertemberger/Bongarts/Getty Images] Stress has been shown to age us. Meditation might turn that around.  ...In the decade since [Elizabeth] Blackburn and [Elissa] Epel's original study, the idea that stress ages us by eroding our telomeres has also permeated popular culture.  ...But as evidence of the damage caused by dwindling telomeres piles up, she is embarking on a new question: how to protect them. ..."Ten years ago, if you'd told me that I would...

Obscure Rule Restricts Health Law’s Expansion of Care for Addicts

[Photo: Armando L. Sanchez for the New York Times] On its surface, the Affordable Care Act seems like a boon for addiction treatment centers like the South Suburban Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, housed in a no-frills former hotel outside Chicago. The law allowed states to expand Medicaid to many more low-income people, meaning that drug addicts and alcoholics who were previously ineligible could now receive coverage for substance abuse treatment, which the law has deemed an...

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