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New book: 'Last Chance at Normal'

Without knowing about 'coherent narrative' and its role in processing trauma memory, I finally wrote "Last Chance at Normal"  -  the true story of my descent into the underworld of Los Angeles, journeying among drug lords and gang members as...

The Depression-Weight-Gain Cycle

New research complicates our understanding of the relationship between emotions and weight gain (a relationship critical to our understanding of ACEs .)  Antidepressants are  the most-prescribed drugs  in the U.S. for people between the...

Scott signs DJJ overhaul reflecting new approach (Florida)

[Gov. Rick Scott stands withDept. of Juvenile Justice Secretary Wansley Waters, left. Karl Etters photo] Gov. Rick Scott on Tuesday signed a bill rewriting laws that govern the state Department of Juvenile Justice, reinforcing an emphasis on prevention, intervention and the rehabilitation of youthful offenders. The measure (HB 7055) formalizes the department’s strategy of shifting funds to prevention programs, with the aim of keeping kids out of the juvenile system in the first place.

Head Start - Trauma Smart ^ an innovative way of tackling childhood trauma, mental health and education. “ Head Start-Trauma Smart  is a model for...

Shape-Up And Check-Up: LA Barbers To Start Testing Blood Pressure

[Photo: Jeff Roberson/AP] Barbershops are a traditional gathering place for African-American men — a place to talk politics, sports and gossip. Now, some doctors in Los Angeles are hoping to make the barbershop a place for combating high blood pressure among black men. Death rates from hypertension are three times higher in African-American men than white men of the same age, says Dr. Ronald Victor, the director of Cedars-Sinai Center for Hypertension in Los Angeles. "Hypertension is...

Seeing Sons’ Violent Potential, but Finding Little Help or Hope

[Photo: Taylor Glascock, NYTimes] Lena and Robert Serpico knew something was not right before their son was in kindergarten. They had taken him and his younger brother in as foster children from a mother who used drugs, and they later adopted both. The older boy, whose name is not being published at the Serpicos’ request, was restless and impulsive from the beginning and got his first diagnosis at age 4: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. He began taking Ritalin in elementary...

How to Build a Better Neighborhood

[Photo: Better Block Project]  “We had all these rules that stripped away beauty,” said [Jason] Roberts [who lives in Oak Cliff, a part of Dallas generally known for its crime]. It was Dallas, after all — charm was downright subversive. He thought about going to the city government. “But in our community we had rendering fatigue. I got fired up to go to City Hall and see if I could take part in reshaping my community. But there are so many processes, so...

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