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Member Profile: Nora Baladerian, clinical psychologist specializing in people with disabilities who have been abused

Nora Baladerian is a clinical psychologist who specializes in helping people with disabilities who have been abused, mostly sexually abused. She directs the Disability & Abuse Project, which strives to reduce the risk of abuse, to promote healing, and to seek justice for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities who have been abused. Q. What kind of work do you do that involves ACEs? A. My primary work is providing psychotherapeutic treatment to...

The Sister of Second Chances (New York City)

[Fred R. Conrad photo] In an unglamorous pocket of Long Island City, Queens, between two of the nation’s largest public housing projects, dozens of women could tell comparable stories about Sister Tesa. Twenty-seven years ago, answering an open call from an older nun, she started a home for children whose mothers were in the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility. Last year she was honored by the White House. Now, on a drizzly May afternoon, she walked the battered streets of her...

Meet the Tenacious Gardeners Putting Down Roots in "America's Most Desperate Town" (Camden, NJ)

[Kristen Moe photo] To say that Camden has a bad reputation would be an understatement. Indeed, Camden, just across the Delaware River from Philadelphia, has about the worst of any city in America. It’s been ranked at various times as both the poorest and the most dangerous. In 2012, it ranked as the number-one most dangerous city in the country . It’s also one of the worst urban food deserts in the country. In September of 2013, the last centrally located grocery store closed...

The Elusive, Manipulative Adopted Child

[Photo: Stephanie Loos/Reuters] A very poignant post from Tina Traster, who wrote   Rescuing Julia Twice: A Mother's Tale of Russian Adoption and Overcoming Reactive Attachment Disorder .   The headline doesn't do this essay justice. My hands hover over the computer keyboard. They are trembling. I hold down the shift key and type the words with intention, saying each letter aloud: “R-e-a-c-t-i-v-e A-t-t-a-c-h-m-e-n-t D-i-s-o-r-d-e-r.” The words “reactive...

Child abuse in Maine increases 58%

After years of decline, the number of confirmed cases of the physical abuse of children in Maine has climbed dramatically in recent years – much higher than the national average. Those who work with abused children say they’re not sure why...

Dr. Paul J. Fink: A tribute

Dr. Paul J. Fink, a longtime Clinical Psychiatry News columnist and editorial adviser, and leader in the field of psychiatry, died June 4. He was 80. Dr. Fink, a psychotherapist, psychiatry professor, and speaker, was a fierce advocate for his beloved...

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