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Frequent arguments with family, friends linked to doubling in death risk in middle age

Frequent arguments with partners, relatives, or neighbors may boost the risk of death from any cause in middle age, suggests research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health . Men and those not in work seemed to be the most vulnerable, the findings indicate. The evidence suggests that supportive social networks and strong relationships are good for general health and wellbeing, but the authors wanted to find out if the stressors inherent in family relationships...

At ‘Wit’s End’: Scared Straight Programs Remain Popular Among Parents Despite Warnings

I feel like Im at my wits end, says a mother about her two kids on the A&E reality TV show Beyond Scared Straight. Its a feeling many parents relate to before sending their kids to local scared straight programs. ...Dougherty County administers its own youth intervention program, which has been featured several times on the A&E show. Since its television debut, Hayes says the Sheriff's office has had an influx of calls...

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