BABY BIT for Wed. April 2, 2014 "It'sa Vatcha Video Vednesday!"
The current deadline for open enrollment for healthcare insurance coverage in Oregon was extended through April 30. However, for survivors of domestic violence who are also married, this open enrollment period is extending to May 31. The U.S....
Children who grow up with a parent addicted to drugs or alcohol are at increased risk of developing arthritis in adulthood, new research suggests. An observational study of more than 13,000 adults showed that those with a history of parental addiction...
My friend Steven decided to become a doctor because he wanted to serve the poor. When it came time to choose a specialty, however, he picked pediatrics because he said he had run out of patience for the self-destructive behavior he saw...
National Crittenton Foundation President Jeannette Pai-Espinosa wrote this for Youth Today: The numbers tell us two sobering facts about girls and juvenile justice. First, they tell us that the percentage of girls in the juvenile justice system has...
The school-to-prison pipeline, to my mind, is the most insidious arm of this country's prison-industrial complex. Under the guise of protecting our children, we push many of them out of school and into prisons, limit their opportunities, fail to...
Two professors in the University at Buffalo’s School of Social Work have launched a graduate student and research institute to encourage global activities that extend trauma-informed treatment, human rights perspectives and other themes...
We cannot be blamed for feeling nervous when this government talks of criminalising lack of parental love. There are uber-Thatcherites in its ranks who talk up the 'big society' but blame the individual. A wheeze for dumping their failure to support...
Juan Rodela had been imprisoned in the Stewart Immigration Detention Center in Georgia and was on his third lawyer when a change in his defense strategy resulted in his surprising liberation. The Mexican immigrant was arrested in November 2012 for not...
I am not sure if this is the correct venue for this request, if it is not would someone who knows about these things post it where it should be. I am an Honours student in Brisbane Australia. My thesis is about abuse, trauma, affect in visual art....
More than half of the 2.6 million Americans dispatched to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan struggle with physical or mental health problems stemming from their service, feel disconnected from civilian life and believe the government is failing...
“It was like a veil lifted and I could see life more clearly,” she recalled. “It changed everything.” Corbitt had stumbled into an area that scientists have recently begun to investigate: whether food can have as powerful an...
Many patients with mental health issues go to their primary care doctor either because they assume their symptoms are medical or simply because it is their only doctor. However, primary care doctors are not trained in mental healthcare and do not have...
Nearly one in five American women reported experiencing rape at some time in their lives. Recent clashes about the term rape culture highlight the roles of systems, attitudes, and resources in preventing the crime and undoing the criminal. I...