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What A Small Town's Teen Pregnancy Turnaround Can Teach The U.S.

Thirty years ago, the small town of Denmark, S.C., had one of the state's highest teen pregnancy rates. "We had very young grandparents, grandparents were maybe [in their] 30s," says Michelle Nimmons, who has worked for the past 30 years on the issue of teen pregnancy. "Great-grandmamas were in their 40s and parents were in their teens, so a lot of education had to happen." Nimmons' efforts have paid off in Denmark and around the country in the last couple decades. Since the 1990s, teen...

The Drugging of the American Boy

This is an interesting must-read story from Esquire Magazine. Now, if the reporter had just talked with Dr. Bruce Perry ( Children's hyperactivity is not a real "disease" ), perhaps there would have been other questions addressed….such as what...

Discord over sex traffic victims

TALLAHASSEE  - The debate over how Florida should rescue and treat child sex trafficking victims is now sharply focused in the state house, where two competing bills could profoundly change how police and child welfare agencies place and treat...

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