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Rider for Change

Recently I volunteered at the two-day, Changing the Paradigm-Trauma and the Developing Child conference, hosted by Echo Parenting & Education. This organization envisions a world of non-violence in which adults respect children by ensuring their right to emotional and physical safety. On day one of the conference, during her keynote speech, Echos founder Ruth Beaglehole, asked: What action are you willing to take to make this world non-violent? I...

Terra Firma Network

Hi Friends, I am laying the groundwork for my charity, Terra Firma Network, that will provide Skype and in-person therapy to substance addicts. I would love to find a network of therapists that would be willing to provide their services for a large...

Attachment/Trauma Specialist Penny Davis in San Diego April 25, 9am-4pm

[From Svava Brooks on ACEsConnection via an email by ] Penny Davis, M.A. is a Certified Positive Discipline Lead Trainer and presenter on the effects of Insecure Attachment and Trauma on brain development, and the methods that are effective in re-building attachment, re-building the brain,and healing relationships. Penny’s early career was as a social worker in Child Protective Services, working with birth families, foster and adoptive parents. She learned...

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