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Amendment to curb child abuse bill fails (Utah) -- lawmakers reveal own stories of abuse

When Sen. Margaret Dayton, R-Orem, attempted to amend H.B. 286 to have the [child abuse prevention] class become an opt-in for Utah's students -- the current bill calls for students to have an opt-out option -- multiple lawmakers rose to oppose the amendment and revealed that they themselves had been victims of child-abuse situations. Sen. Aaron Osmond, R-South Jordan, was the first to reveal that he was a victim of child abuse from someone who was not a member of his family. Osmond stated...

Leave Mothering Decisions to Mothers

" New studies question the importance of two behaviors mothers are often shamed for: drinking during pregnancy and not breastfeeding. My 10-year-old is now one of the mellowest kids you could ever have the delight to interact with, but when he was an...

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