BABY BIT for Mon. Feb. 3, 2014 Get our free, daily text message version. Just text SAYB to 760-670-3130.
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Ilana Yurkiewicz , third-year student at Harvard Medical School and a blogger for Scientific American, wrote this well-researched and well-written article for Aeon Magazine. It address individuals who are bullies and the hospital system that...
Based on her ethnographic study of psychiatric residency programs, anthropologist T.M. Luhrmann concluded psychiatry is “of two minds”: one “mind” emphasizes the role of neurochemistry, while the other...
January 28, 2014 [This is reposted from a comment I left on the ACEs in Foster Care group.] My Dear Colleague Jeff Bergstrom: This note is sent in reaction to your experience in the restaurant, regarding foster care. The interaction you had in June 2013 was fascinating, scary and probably an honest summary of some of the mis-information and the biased thinking that dominates segments of this country. I have been told that it is difficult to reason someone out of...
A program that provides a place for frazzled, angry parents to drop off their kids before the situation turns abusive plans to reopen Monday. The resurrection of the KPC Respite Center ends a nine-month closure that had left the region without a...
Our research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Stanford showed that the week-long Project Welcome Home Troops intervention was successful, with our analyses showing significant decreases in PTSD and anxiety....
Prosecutors says the environment in the home is the biggest contributing factor to teen violence. It's a habit Jefferson County attorney's hope to break through counseling and intervention. "Those behaviors are learned, they're exposed to violence in...
Massage therapist Marriam Donovan says she grew up watching her stepfather beat her mother, so she's Donovan and hundreds of other women have received training under a program aimed at reaching victims of domestic violence through their...
We talk a lot about cortisol when we discuss trauma or adverse childhood experiences, and for good reason. While people a lot better educated than myself debate classifications and the symptomatology of trauma for the DSM and others create laundry...
This is the second part of a year-long series about domestic violence in Texas. Domestic violence incidents down, but cases can move slowly and programs lack funds. When Texas police officers answer an emergency domestic violence call these...
In 2012, more that 58,000 refugees were resettled in the United States. A couple thousand of them came to Pennsylvania. "Refugees come from places that tend to be difficult, I mean nobody chooses to be a refugee, people become refugees," said...
There are miserable bosses, and then there are toxic military commanders. Air Force Maj. Gen. Stephen D. Schmidt was unquestionably among the latter in the view of some staff members under his thumb. A profane screamer, he ran through six...
Gov. Martin O'Malley is backing legislation that, among other things, would end Maryland's status as the most difficult state for victims seeking a protective court order against an abuser. A second bill would help victims like King by making it...
In last week’s “ Stardust” blog , I was surprised by sudden overwhelming feelings of being loved which shocked me, they were so physical. I had another odd explosive physical experience with music so striking last year, I wrote brain...
Here's more Stardust! (see my Stardust blogs if you missed them.) Poet David Whyte really gets it, so I feel like he gets me, too! Great art does that for us......