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Whose Elephant are You?

In 2010, in the depths of  my journey of recovery from Attachment Disorder, a friend passed on a story to me.  When an elephant is wounded, it can't stand alone by itself and will fall and die -- and sensing this, two other elephants come...

She Feels what She Sings

She's on the other side of the world but she feels what I feel when I sing, what I felt even at her age, and that's worth everything to me...  There is a reason I'm doing this here and it has everything to do with emotional object constancy and...

Stardust 2

Last week, after the video class by therapist Dr. Tara Brach , I said that for one day, I’d try to be Present with What Is.  Hey, I struggle with a regular meditation for 45 minutes, so this’ll be a stretch.  On Day 1, when the...

How to Help Homeless Families

In his NYTimes Fixes column, David Bornstein noted: " Homelessness is an extremely adverse childhood experience."  He included that observation in a must-read overview of how cities are dealing with homelessness. He used a heartbreaking series --...

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