Summer Course Registration Now Open!
Announcing upcoming courses for educators! Join Trauma-informed Education or Supporting Marginalized Students this summer!
Announcing upcoming courses for educators! Join Trauma-informed Education or Supporting Marginalized Students this summer!
Thoughts and prayers on this Memorial Day to all who have served in the military and sadness for those whose lives were lost. And thoughts, prayers and action to the day that we learn how to end wars...and end the madness of the destruction of so many souls. And for me, this is also a time to advocate for children who are the victims of cruelty, abuse and suffering that shouldn't be happening. It is my belief that if we end child abuse and neglect we can put an end to violence, hate and...
In my previous blog I focused on how a fragmented society looks like. Today I feel like it's important to shed light on how dysfunctional relationships affect us. Human beings are social beings. Social bonds help us build our community. Family is part of this community. All this to say that romantic relationships are important. We often see happy couples then years later learn that they were surviving abuse. Then wonder how we missed the signs. However, we forget that it's part of human...
Hey folks, Please take a listen. I talk, share resources & a song about the hurtful statement too many trauma & abuse survivors hear & the impact of trauma & abuse upon the mind, body & spirit. Just Get Over It - Healing Childhood Trauma in Adulthood - “Get over it” is a cruel phrase. It means, “Not only do I not care about how you feel, if you were smarter, you wouldn’t care either.” “ Just get over it” places all of...
When she was 47, my grandmother, Symcha Goldberg, was murdered by Nazis either on the cattle cars transporting Jews from the Lodz ghetto to Treblinka, Poland, or in the gas chambers inside the extermination camp itself. We have no reports from those who might have survived the hundreds of thousands who were killed at Treblinka. I have welcomed the addition of historical email signatures designating the Native American tribe that used to occupy the physical space where the emailer now...
Tools for Hope will show you how to put your focus and energy where you have control and power— yourself! You will learn how to change your physical, emotional, perceptual and behavioral reactions into intentional efficient responses conducted inside a comfortable body. Sounds like magic? Well, it’s not. The resiliency skills you will learn are grounded in good science and are evidence-based. With these videos you will: Identify the true causes of stress in your personal and professional...
I have been getting to know what adverse environments look and feel like. More so, reflecting on the kind of environments I was raised in between years 2000 and 2010. Looking back I noticed alcoholism was a common thing, so was violence and children being kept from going to school. Now that I'm older and more informed, I actually noticed the power dynamics. Whoever had the most money, whether real or perceived, had a say. Except, their words actually ruined or shaped the society in a...
As a former Massage Therapist, and now, a Certified Trauma, Resilience, & Wellness Trainer & Coach… I have a lot to say regarding the events taking place in our society. I am the Founder and CEO of Bringing You Excellence (B.Y.E.), LLC, a national consulting and executive coaching firm that helps leaders & organizations become trauma-informed, reduce workplace trauma and prioritize wellness. I have reached over 100,000 people online, hosted conferences and trainings across the...
Join us Saturday mornings at 10:00 am Central Time! ( 11:00 am Eastern/9:00 am Mountain/8:00 am Pacific) Join us, via Zoom, as we explore how simple breath, movement, and toning techniques can bring us into the present moment and help ground us into our daily lives. Facilitator: Thomas Travers Contact Info: EmpowerSurvivors: Register in advance for this meeting:
We are beyond burnout. 213 mass shootings in 2022 has only heightened the need for Interprofessional advocacy, as well as support.
In early May, the Community Resilience Coalition of Guelph & Wellington launched the “Building Connections for Resilient Kids” campaign about the importance of connections during childhood. Connections with adults help children develop resilience to face life’s challenges. These connections can be small actions that adults don’t realize have a big impact on a child’s wellbeing. The Coalition released a series of 8 short videos illustrating stories from community members about adults who...
CTIPP is seeking to hire a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) consultant for a 6-month period beginning late-June 22 with work scope completion by mid-December 2022. CTIPP’s Mission: To create a healthy, just, resilient, and trauma-informed society where all individuals, families, and communities have the social, political, cultural, economic, and spiritual opportunities and support necessary to thrive. CTIPP’s Goals: 1.) To inform and advocate for public policies and programs...
By Mick North, Photo: Nuri Vallbona/Reuters, The Guardian, May 26, 2022 Once again, news from the US has provided a shocking reminder of the pain and devastation of losing a loved one in a shooting. Nothing can prepare you for how it feels to drop your child off at the school gates in the morning and never see them alive again. Twenty-six years ago, that’s what my family was forced to endure. My five-year-old daughter Sophie was one of the victims of the Dunblane primary school massacre on...
By Kelly McGonigal, Image: Screenshot from article, The New York Times, May 24, 2022 It’s no secret that exercise, even in small doses, can improve your mood. Researchers even have a name for it: the feel-better effect . And while any physical activity — a walk, a swim, a bit of yoga — can give you an emotional boost, we wanted to create a short workout video specifically designed to make people happy. What would a “joy workout” look like? I’m a psychologist fascinated by the science of...
By Linda Hall, Photo: Tom E. Puskar/, Ashland Times-Gazette, May 26, 2022 When children are placed in foster care , it's understood they are experiencing trauma. What's not always recognized is their parents are in a hard place, too. Ashland County's courts, area social services and other sectors of the Ashland and Wayne communities are hoping to join forces to promote positive parenting and successful reunification of children in foster care with their birth parents.