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Seniors in search of a song

Reporter Lois Collins wrote a two-part series called " Living Lonely " for the Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT). In "Seniors in search of a song", she looked at the health effects of loneliness. Although a possible link of adverse childhood...

What does compassion sound like?

Here's one researcher's take on compassion. Would asking about ACEs be another? Or does compassion enter in HOW a physician or nurse asks about ACEs? "Good to see you. I'm sorry. It sounds like you've had a tough, tough, week." Spoken by a doctor to a...

Surviving Anxiety

THIS -- an essay adapted from Atlantic magazine editor Scott Stossel's upcoming book -- will rev up your anxiety just reading it, even if you're not the anxious type. Here are the first two graphs: I’ve finally settled on a pre-talk regimen...

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