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Recovering from trauma-informed care

"Falsely accused family members had their convictions overturned based upon expert evidence regarding false memory syndrome caused by hypnotically induced memories or improper questioning of child witnesses. A series of malpractice suits were filed...

Putting a TINSOC in every politician's mouth

Susan Hess receiving the LA City DV Taskforce Award On October 9, 2013, our very own Susan Hess, Director of Domestic Violence Programming at Echo Parenting & Education, received an award from the Los Angeles City Domestic Violence Taskforce for her work in bringing the TINSOC collaborative together. TINSOC is the acronym for Trauma Informed Nonviolent Standards of Care. In 2012, Echo Parenting & Education began to assemble a collaborative of domestic violence shelters and other...

My Inner What?

from Chapter 2 of "Don’t Try This at Home- The Silent Epidemic of Attachment Disorder How I accidentally regressed myself back to infancy and healed it all" at In my last post, group therapy put me through...

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