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Positive relationship factors may help break cycle of child maltreatment - CDC

[Full text now available] The Journal of Adolescent Health released a special supplement   investigating the role of safe, stable, nurturing relationships (SSNRs) and  social contexts in the cycle of child maltreatment across generations. Efforts  focused on enhancing SSNRs between parents and children, as well as between  parents and other adults, may be a helpful prevention strategy for breaking the  cycle of child maltreatment and promoting life-long health. The...

Why blame feels hard to take

"The researchers used a standard approach to explore a phenomenon known as "sense of agency," which refers to the feeling that one's voluntary actions produce some external sensory event. For instance, Haggard explains, if you flip a light switch and...

The Complex Etiology and Lasting Consequences of Child Maltreatment - Commentary - full text

" Child maltreatment is a global public health problem of epidemic proportions [1]. Internationally, the prevalence is striking, with reports suggesting that 25%e50% of children report being physically abused [1]. The annual estimates of child maltreatment in the developed world are highest in the United States : 3.4 million referrals of child abuse involved 6.2 million children in 2011 [2]. It is estimated that 1,570 of these children (or about four children every day) died as a...

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