BABY BIT for Thur. Oct. 3, 2013 Kindly share! You never know whose life you may touch! :D
"Most parents who yell at their adolescent children wouldn’t dream of physically punishing their teens. Yet their use of harsh verbal discipline—defined as shouting, cursing, or using insults—may be just as detrimental to the...
"Advocates call for an end to the criminalization of students in New York and around the country..." "As students in New York City return to school for the fall, a coalition of youth and legal advocacy groups, including the New York Civil...
"Three researchers from the University of Huddersfield have published a paper in the Prison Service Journal looking at the important issue of what affect family ties and relationships can have on the prisoner, as well as how imprisonment can influence...
"In a recent study, Granger and scientists at the University of Oregon tracked the release of nerve growth factor in saliva (sNGF), finding for the first time that this protein – typically linked to the survival, development or function of...
"The nation’s largest veterans group says the Veterans Affairs Department and Pentagon are not doing enough to treat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. "Calling current medical protocols and treatments at VA...
"The "It Gets Better" Project was launched in 2010 as an attempt to address suicides amongst lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual teens by recording online reminders that their lives will improve as they leave school and transition into adulthood. A...
"Mr. LEVIN. Madam President, it is a great pleasure to join my colleague Debbie Stabenow in honoring Starr Commonwealth on a century of distinguished service to children and families across Michigan. Fittingly, they will mark this milestone with a...
"Everywhere you look these days, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is in the news, and rightly so. While most of the articles and research focus on the people who have PTSD, it’s important to remember that it also affects their spouses, kids,...
"They served our country proud and fought for our freedom, but now many are paying a price they shouldn't have to pay. One in five veterans suffers with combat-related post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and struggles to reintegrate back into...
"The Albany police department held its mandatory reporter training Tuesday morning.... "Investigator Chanita Salyer says “the list now includes anyone that provides any type of child services to children which includes coaches of little leagues,...
"Some key education groups in Illinois are out to help stem child abuse. "The Illinois Association of School Boards, the Illinois Education Association, the Illinois Federation of Teachers and the Illinois PTA will participate in the state’s...
"Broward Circuit Judge Susan Lebow keeps brownies and tissues in her chambers to soothe children who have had run-ins with the law, or young witnesses who have endured sexual assaults, abuse or other horrors. "And since July, she also has kept a...
" Controversial plans to replace thousands of full-time soldiers with reservists risks creating a new wave of veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), campaigners warn today WED. Experts said Defence ...
"While Bartoli and colleagues conclude from their meta-analysis that PTSD confers a greater risk for metabolic syndrome, Schwenke and Siegel in their editorial suggest caution, explaining that it is not a simple relationship and many confounding...