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Abuse, lack of parental warmth in childhood linked to multiple health risks in adulthood

[Press Release] "The effects of childhood abuse and lack of parental affection can last a lifetime, taking a toll both emotionally and physically. "There are many reports assessing the psychological damage resulting from childhood abuse, and the effects on physical health have also been well documented. For instance, this "toxic" stress has been linked to elevated cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and other physical conditions posing a significant health risk. The...

West Side Police News & Notes - Ohio

"The collaboration is intended to reunite and stabilize family units through the provision of suitable intensive treatment and intervention for families who have had their children removed as a result of substance abuse or when it has been determined...

Folic acid deficiency can affect the health of great, great grandchildren

[A good example of what is being learned about epigenetics.] "Folic acid deficiency can cause severe health problems in offspring, including spina bifida, heart defects and placental abnormalities. A study out today reveals that a mutation in a gene necessary for the metabolism of folic acid not only impacts the immediate offspring but can also have detrimental health effects on the next several generations. The new research, which also sheds light on the molecular mechanism of folic acid...

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