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Risking Connections

"At the July All Staff meeting,  Angela Nickell, CEO explained that Pomegranate Health Systems  would soon be introducing training by professional trainer/s from the Risking Connection Program from the Sidran Institute, as an outgrowth of...

Domestic Violence Intervention Program to expand service area - Iowa

"The Domestic Violence Intervention Program of Iowa City announced Tuesday it is expanding services for victims of intimate partner violence to include nine counties in southeast Iowa.... "CVAD [Crime Victim Assistance Division], in response to significant funding cuts for victim services over the past decade, developed a plan to regionalize services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking.  Six regions were developed in the state, with competitive...

Finding your ACE Score

" The ACE Study was developed in 1998 by Dr. Robert F. Anda of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Ga. and Dr. Vincent J. Felitti with Kaiser Permanente in San Diego, Ca. Their research, which is ongoing, used the simple test below to...

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