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A Look at Brain Health with Jay Faber and CPP's Fritzi Horstman

Dr. Jay Faber is a clinical and forensic psychiatrist, child psychiatrist, and adult psychiatrist at Amen Clinics. He has more than two decades of experience in Child Psychiatry, Adolescent Psychiatry, and Adult Psychiatry and Pharmacological Management, treating patients in clinical private practices in Colorado, California and Georgia. In addition to his work at Amen Clinics, Dr. Faber is President of BrainSource, a corporation founded to teach adolescents how to build successful lives.

The Vision of a Compassion Prison with Brian Koehn and Fritzi Horstman

Brian Koehn is the founder of Social Profit Corrections, a nonprofit organization. He has over 28 years of experience in the field of private corrections serving in various leadership roles, including 14 years as a Complex Warden and Warden at five separate facilities, managing contracts in partnership with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the United States Marshal Service, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, multiple States, detention and county jails.

Dr. Kim Gorgens Explains Traumatic Brain Injury

This short, 15-minute conversation between CPP founder, Fritzi Horstman and Dr. Kim Gorgens informs about the unique effects of Traumatic Brain Injury as it applies to the 50 to 80% of those residing in prisons in the U.S., how it effects our behavior and we also learn what Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor is! Dr. Kim Gorgens is a Professor of Psychophysiology, Clinical Neuropsychology and Psychology of Criminal Behavior at the University of Denver.

Watch Part 1 of the conversation about School Crisis Recovery and Renewal, register for Part 2!

If you missed my Education Upended conversation last week with School Crisis Recovery and Renewal (SCRR) Project Director Leora Wolf-Prusan you can watch it here on YouTube! This conversation was on FIRE ! We discussed not only what it means for schools to experience and recover from a crisis but also what it means to go through the process of RENEWAL. How do school communities make meaning of what happened so they can go beyond coping and begin healing? How do school leaders set up systems...

Why Forced Addiction Treatment Fails []

By Maia Szalavitz, Illustration: Julianna Brion, The New York Times, April 30, 2022 Jason Norelli, a San Francisco native, spent several years homeless in and around the city’s Tenderloin district, addicted to methamphetamine. In 2001, he was legally mandated to attend rehab and has been in recovery ever since. Today he helps others like him get care. Mr. Norelli’s experience makes him seem like a poster child for legally mandated addiction treatment. At least 37 states now have laws on the...

Model Quannah Chasinghorse: 'If you want to work with me, you have to work with all of me' []

By Quannah Chasinghorse, Photo: Keri Oberly, CNN Style, April 27, 2022 Despite being into fashion since I was young, I never once thought that I could be a model. I am a proud member of the Hän Gwich'in and Sičangu/Oglala Lakota tribes in the US -- but like most Indigenous teenagers, I grew up without any representation in pop culture. I didn't feel confident or even like the way I looked. When I was 14 years old, I received my first facial tattoo, a traditional hand poke tattoo called...

COVID Woes Prompt More States to Require Financial Literacy Classes []

By Elaine S. Povich, Photo: Randy Hoeft/The Yuma Sun/Associated Press, PEW, April 27, 2022 Studies have long shown that high school students are woefully uninformed about personal finances and how to manage them. But the COVID-19 pandemic, which revealed how many American adults live on the financial edge, has boosted ongoing efforts to make financial literacy lessons a school requirement. Seven states now require a stand-alone financial literacy course as a high school graduation...

How to rebuild a life after the death of a partner []

By Juliet Rosenfeld, Illustration: Eva Bee/The Observer, The Guardian, May 1, 2022 The threat of death is more present in our national unconscious than it has been for decades. A killer virus and a sudden violent invasion in Europe have shaken our sense of safety. A safety that many of us took for granted. The horrific scale of deaths in Ukraine is only just beginning to emerge. Our own mortality and fragility continue to alarm us at profound psychic and physical levels – even if we do not...

Celebrating Teachers and Raising Awareness of Mental Wellness

Educators are modern day superheroes! As parents, we give our most precious asset, our children, to these individuals and ask them to help shape and mold them into the human beings they will become. There is no more important job on this planet. Every day should be a celebration of the essential role teachers play in the lives of our children to guide them on their path to flourishing. Teachers, we salute you, especially during Teacher Appreciation Week , May 2-6. We celebrated educators,...

March 2022 TOP 10 Episodes

Topics include polyvagal theory, connecting through storytelling, insecure attachment patterns, the Golden Shadow Method, a mother's grief, meditation for healing love, post-betrayal syndrome, energetic osteopathy, somatic therapy, and winologist philosophies!

Oprah Winfrey on the larger pandemic affecting U.S. health care (

Our commentary comes from Oprah Winfrey, who is partnering with the Smithsonian Channel to raise awareness about inequities in our health care system. The documentary "The Color of Care" debuts May 1. By Oprah Winfrey, MAY 1, 2022 / CBS NEWS During the height of the pandemic, I read a story about a family in Detroit . This story would not let me rest; as a matter of fact, it haunted me. It was the story of the Fowler family. Gary Fowler worked hard his entire life. Fifty-six years old,...

It Is Critical To 'Maslow' Before Students Can 'Bloom'

First, a little background on Maslow and Bloom. Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist. His hierarchy of needs framework is a popular theory of motivation. In this theory, Maslow states that our actions are motivated by our physiological needs. Most often this is represented by a pyramid, with the most basic needs at the bottom and the more complex needs at the top, as pictured below. Benjamin Bloom also developed a theory around how children learn, called Bloom's taxonomy. This...

Impactful Film Screening & Panel Discussion

Did you register yet? This event is to touch on how violence impacts our youth. Exposure of domestic violence, community violence, firearm violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence and youth violence have a serious impact on health. Research shows that violence is a public health issue because it effects people at all stages of life and can lead to a lifetime of emotional, physical, and economical problems. It's time for us to go deeper with addressing this problem! You don’t want...

Stress and alcoholism. What now?

April has been quite the busy month. There were many sensitive conversations on various mental health themes. We focused on stress and alcoholism as they are huge problems in the Kenyan society. Did you know that the disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) of Kenya stands at 54,000 years. Those are the numbers of lives lost to alcohol. That number does not account for childhood trauma, financial stress, or terminal illness caused by alcoholism. So we dived deeper into asking, what now? So...

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