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Alexander Youth Network Celebrates 125th Anniversary, first year as CTA Flagship - North Carolina

"As Alexander Youth Network celebrates its special 125th Anniversary year, it also concludes its first full year as an NMT [Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics™]Flagship Organization of The ChildTrauma Academy (CTA), a Houston-based non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of high-risk children through direct service, research and education.... "Developed by Dr. Bruce Perry of The ChildTrauma Academy, the NMT is not a specific therapeutic technique or intervention; it is a way to...

UAMS clinic focuses on PTSD - Arkansas

"A new treatment program to reduce the mental and physical symptoms related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is now offered at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) Psychiatric Research Institute .... "The Psychiatric Research...

Free PDF on Emotional Literacy

We are working on a new free PDF about emotional literacy and looking for readers to give their feedback.  Here is a link to the free download - 15 pages.   Here is the table of contents   Definition of Emotional Literacy Developing...

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