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What Is PTSD…And Who Is It For?

"Then-president of the American Psychiatric Association, John Oldham, was  chairing a session entitled Combat-Related PTSD: Injury or Disorder?... Who is PTSD For? As Samuel Shem reminds us in his novel, The House of God, “The...

Making Sense of the Rise in ADHD

"Others have different concerns. Webb, [5] writing from her experience in Wales, in the March 2013 issue of the British Medical Journal analyzed the possibility that poverty and maltreatment are major sources of the behaviors that lead to a diagnosis of ADHD. Webb cited evidence that ADHD runs in families, suggesting that ADHD has a genetic basis. However, poor, disorganized, and abusive families are rarely recruited for such genetic studies. Living in adverse environments leads to children...

Study highlights need for increased promotion of support groups for men with depression

"GP's and health professionals need to do more to promote support groups for men suffering with depression and anxiety according to new research published in the journal Primary Health Care Research & Development. "The assumption that men are less vulnerable to depression and anxiety than women is increasingly being questioned. Previous research indicates that men are less likely to be diagnosed as they demonstrate greater reluctance to seek help due to social stigmas...."...

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