2013 CCFY Listening Tour in Seattle
http://youtu.be/KLBRynKQvHc Foster Media Connections tour Seattle interviewing Advocates and Foster Children, gathering ideas and current information about foster care policy and practice in Washington State.
http://youtu.be/KLBRynKQvHc Foster Media Connections tour Seattle interviewing Advocates and Foster Children, gathering ideas and current information about foster care policy and practice in Washington State.
An online resource center from The Ohio Trauma Consortium a grassroots effort, of social workers, therapists and trainers who provide trauma informed preparation and support to adoptive and foster families. Resources include a Trauma...
"Jack Shonkoff, MD, director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, states that half a century of developmental research and program evaluation has guided a variety of early childhood policies and practices that produce positive...
"Social and economic disadvantages experienced in early childhood can limit children’s opportunities for health throughout life. These health disadvantages may then be passed across generations. In addition, research shows that early exposure to...
"Starting July 1, the department of pediatrics at the UF College of Medicine–Jacksonville will begin offering the first Child Abuse Pediatrics Fellowship Program in the state.... “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has...
"Child care is linked to fewer emotional problems and symptoms of social withdrawal among children exposed to maternal depression, according to a new study of nearly 2000 children conducted by researchers in Montreal, Canada , at the Sainte-Justine...
"Once scientists learned that smoking changes the brain, making it very difficult to quit, we were able to devise treatments to help smokers change their behavior. "Today we are witnessing another health revolution that is just as ...
"Recent studies linking bullying and depression, coupled with extensive media coverage of bullying-related suicide among young people, led the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to assemble an expert panel to focus on these issues. This...
" Pediatricians reach the vast majority of American children; parents look to them for reassurance, guidance, expertise and the ability to recognize and understand when things are off track. Their relationships with families give them the opportunity...
Presentation from the The Wyoming Office of the Attorney General Division of Victim Services. http://victimservices.wyoming.gov/Documents/SANE/Trauma%20Informed%20Care%20in%20Sexual%20Assault%20Nursing%20Practice.ppt This resource has been...
"The Information Brief is designed to be used alongside the other elements of the Toolkit for Community Conversations About Mental Health [ forthcoming ] and provides data and information to help community conversations participants consider key issues of importance to their communities. The Information Brief follows the format of the Discussion Guide section of the Toolkit for Community Conversations About Mental Health and has the following sections: Opening Question: What does...
"One in four people who survive a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) suffer from symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) within the first year post-event, and one in nine experience chronic PTSD more than a year later. The data...
http://www.sprc.org/library_resources/items/preventing-suicidal-behavior-among-youth-foster-care A national prevention strategy for youth, this page provides information, data, resources and references for anyone specifically interested in helping...
Once a week, York Middle School (in York, Maine) counselor Wendy Porelle meets with fifth-grade girls to write about 60 notes with positive messages. Caitlin Boyle, 29, of North Carolina, started the Post-it Notes campaign to transform how girls ages...