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"Under the leadership of Bob and Lisa Castellani, Silent Tears program was forged last year with the mission of giving “a voice to every child sexually abused.” An array of private-public partnerships and the world-renowned expertise of...
Abstract Objective To review the literature on psychological and biological findings on resilience (i.e. the successful adaptation and swift recovery after experiencing life adversities) at the level of the individual, and to integrate findings from...
"The research project assessed for the first time how many victims of actual or threatened physical, psychological or sexual violence in Switzerland are directly or indirectly also affected by alcohol problems. The authors conclude that more weight...
"With so few trauma-responsive programs in the juvenile-justice system, there are many children like Latanya whose needs go unmet, and some whose conditions are worsened by the insensitive care they receive. In addition, too often the...
"After 120 days of intense debates, emotional advocacy, and legal fine-tuning, we are proud to say that 2013 truly was the Year of Mental Health at the Colorado state capitol. "In addition to other health care reforms (Medicaid expansion, improved...
"The gap between life expectancy in patients with a mental illness and the general population has widened since 1985 and efforts to reduce this gap should focus on improving physical health, suggest researchers in a paper published today on BMJ.......
"Researchers from Harvard Medical School found that half of all lifetime cases of mental disorders start by age 14 and three-fourths by 24 years of age . Because of the early onset of mental disorders, treatment and appropriate services...
"Research has conclusively demonstrated that court-involved children and adolescents present with extremely high rates of traumatic stress caused by their adverse life experiences. In the court setting, we may perceive these youth as inherently...
"As can probably be surmised, then, females involved in the criminal justice system often arrive after experiencing abuse. In a recent study, Sharp (forthcoming) looked at the frequency of adverse childhood experiences for women prisoners in Oklahoma....
"Staggering statistics from the United States Office on Violence against Women (OVW) claim a woman is assaulted or beaten every nine seconds. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the United States. Three women...
"That is why I applaud President Obama's budget proposal, which calls for $235 million in new mental health initiatives, including $130 million for a program that would help train teachers and adults to recognize the first signs of mental illness in...
"Janet Heimlich is the author of Breaking Their Will: Shedding Light on Religious Child Maltreatment and President of the Child-Friendly Faith Project . The organization is "a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charity that...