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Data to Improve Community Conditions Shaped by Structural Racism []

From Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Photo: Unsplash, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, March 30, 2022 Purpose The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is committed to building a Culture of Health where everyone in America has a fair and just opportunity to live the healthiest life possible. But the current reality is that there are large, persistent, and increasing gaps in opportunities for health and well-being across neighborhoods and communities. To achieve health equity, RWJF works to...

She was paid to stay off drugs. Here’s why this approach could help others. []

By Emefa Addo Agawu, Photo: Tony Luong/The Washington Post/FTWP, The Washington Post, March 31, 2022 W hen I first crossed paths with Anileah Buswell, she was living with her infant daughter in Nashua, N.H., and trying to stay off meth. And for the first time in many years, she was succeeding. Buswell, 21, was enrolled in a program with a radically simple premise: Get paid to abstain from drugs. The approach, known as “ contingency management ,” or CM, has racked up a slew of successes. It...

What Happened After Los Angeles Schools Cut Police Funds and Hired Mental Health Staff for Black Students []

By Aaricka Washington, Photo: Solutions Journalism Exchange, The 74, March 24, 2022 Kyla Payne distinctly remembers being on edge any time she entered Dorsey High School in Los Angeles. The 16-year-old felt uncomfortable being monitored by campus police officers who seemed to be intent on finding crimes and rule violations that weren’t there, Payne said. “I know for me and my friends, it was difficult trying to live just as a high school student and live freely and be creative when you have...


WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2022 THE PALACE AT SOMERSET PARK 333 DAVIDSON AVENUE FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, NJ 08873 Click here to register Join us at the 2022 Early Relational Health (ERH) Summit to hear from national experts and learn how foundational relationships between young children and their caregivers impact physical health, child development, social well-being, and resilience. This summit is designed to bring together forward-thinking pediatric healthcare professionals, early childcare providers,...

Implementing Trauma-Informed Care in IDD Organizations & Systems - FREE Webinar

Dr. Karyn Harvey , noted expert on trauma with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) argues, “Trauma in people with IDD is the elephant in the room.” The statistics are harrowing: People with IDD are 2.5 times more likely to be victims of violent crime compared to people who are not disabled (Harrell, 2017) 31% of children with IDD suffer child abuse compared to 9% of non-disabled children (Sullivan & Knudson, 2000) 14% of direct care staff admitted to acts of...

My Shift from Trauma Integration to Collective Well-Being

The landscape and language about childhood adversity and trauma have morphed and changed over the past few years. We began talking about adverse childhood experiences, expanded to talk about adverse community experiences and now include adversities within the environment at large including historical trauma. People are searching for ways to ensure that we are identifying positive experiences that help shape and build resilience as well as the adversities impacting long-term health and social...

Activity: What's the Feeling - Parenting Center Tip of the Week []

Activity: What's the Feeling From our partners at VROOM, here’s a fun activity to try in your next visit with a 3-year-old: Make a face and ask your patient to try and guess what you’re feeling—like sad, tired, excited, surprised or scared. Then take turns and ask your patient to make a face while you guess what they are feeling. Have fun going back and forth. Matching faces and feelings helps children to understand how they, and other people, think and feel. This builds social skills in the...

Heckman Equation March Quarterly Digest []

Whether you’re a long-time early childhood advocate or just getting started in the field, use Heckman Equation and other expert resources to communicate the value of investing in high-quality early education for kids, especially as our nation looks for ways to re-build a system devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Find the latest research from Professor Heckman, relevant news and advocacy resources in this email alert. In the News Center for American Progress "Report: Child Care Spending...

Registration Live! 5th Annual Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference July 14-15 2022/Call for Proposals Extended to 4/15/22 []

Registration deadline: June 24, 2022 5th Annual Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference Youth Mental Health Promotion: The Time is Now (Online/Virtual Conference) will be held July 14-15, 2022. This unique training conference will provide an intensive, collaborative, and engaging experience to providers, educators, and leaders across health, education, and social service disciplines, as well as to community members invested in promoting the health of their families, neighborhoods, and...

Can Moving the Body Heal the Mind? []

By Gretchen Reynolds, Photo: Gabriela Bhaskar/The New York Times, The New York Times, March 30, 2022 When Jennifer Heisz was in graduate school, she borrowed a friend’s aged, rusty road bike — and wound up redirecting her career. At the time, she was studying cognitive neuroscience but, dissatisfied with the direction of her work and her personal life, began experiencing what she now recognizes as “pretty severe anxiety,” she told me recently. Her friend suggested biking as a reprieve. Not...

What really happens when babies are left to cry it out? []

By Amanda Ruggeri, Photo: Alamy, British Broadcasting Corporation, March 30, 2022 I n 2015, Wendy Hall, a paediatric sleep researcher based in Canada, studied 235 families of six- to eight-month-old babies. The purpose: to see if sleep training worked. By its broadest definition, sleep training can refer to any strategy used by parents to encourage their babies to sleep at night – which can be as simple as implementing a nighttime routine or knowing how to read an infant's tiredness cues.

When the same awful thing happens often enough, it ceases to be newsworthy – and that is a big problem []

By Adrian Chiles, Photo: Zoonar/Alamy, The Guardian, March 30, 2022 F or more than a week after Russia invaded Ukraine , there was almost nothing else in the news. It was all we talked about on the radio, which felt right. Then I was on holiday for a week and off with Covid for a further week. When I was back presenting my programme on BBC Radio 5 live after this fortnight away, subjects other than Ukraine were in our running order. This was inevitable, I suppose, even though the situation...

Minnesota Works For Quality Parenting in Foster Families []

By Farrah Mina, Photo: Darlene and Curtis Bell, The Imprint, March 29, 2022 W hen longtime foster parents Darlene and Curtis Bell welcomed four kids into their home in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, they took a crash-course in preparing pepper soup and fufu. And within 24 hours of arriving at the Bells’ place, the siblings were served their favorite dishes. Learning about the foods they loved from the children’s Nigerian mother provided critical information to help the siblings feel welcomed and...

Analysis: Former juvenile lifers cite strengths and weaknesses of reentry preparation []

By Charlotte West, Photo: Illinois Department of Corrections/Flickr, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, March 25, 2022 Almost all of 112 Philadelphians who have been released from lifetime prison sentences said they participated in some form of prison programming, but 53 percent reported having been restricted from vocational programs such as barbering (Pennsylvania prioritizes people who have less than five years left on their sentences for vocational training). Sixteen percent of those...

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