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New ACE Member

Hello Everyone. I am a first year MPH student at Purdue University after completing two years in Teach For America, as a high school science teacher. I have been reviewing the literature on ACEs and I am interested in conducting an ACE survey on...

Why is suicide increasing in midlife?

What leads a middle-aged person to contemplate suicide? A failed relationship? Financial devastation? Drug abuse? All of these explanations have been suggested for an unexpected increase in suicides in persons 45 to 54 years old. According to the...

ACEs and the Law

Several people have pointed me to ameaningful New York Times article by Nicholas Kristof that is at A San Diego Public Defender sends the observation:  "Glad that this information seems to be leaking out in various ways.  Maybe one of these days medicine, the criminal justice system, education, and child welfare services will coordinate to reduce (eliminate?) ACEs and make the world a better place.  On the criminal...

ACEs and Crime

We now have some members who are very experienced in the criminal justice system.  I'd certainly like to learn more about their thoughts on the relationship of ACEs to crime.  An excellent book will soon be out on kids in Juvenile Hall....

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