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Here’s What Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ and Anti-'Woke’ Bills Actually Say []

By Eesha Pendharkar, Photo: Wilfredo Lee/Associated Press, EducationWeek, March 18, 2022 Florida’s legislature passed controversial bills in the past two weeks affecting conversations about race and racism in the classroom, as well as restricting younger students’ access to lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity. The bills—widely referred to as an anti-"woke” bill and a “Don’t Say Gay” bill—have been covered extensively in national media and even late night television. However,...

Intergenerational Trauma and the Promise of Healing []

By Eric M. Brown, Photo: Keira Burton/Pexels, Psychology Today, March 16, 2022 One of the gifts of therapy is being able to understand one’s life within context. To begin to see the seemingly random occurrences of pain, poor personal choices, and disappointing relationships as a coherent narrative. Perhaps the most important task of therapy is to help a client see that their lives make sense. I have found that helping clients understand intergenerational trauma is key to helping them make...

Register for the 18th Annual ENACT Advocacy Day!/¡Únase a nosotros para el 18º Día Anual de Abogacía ENACT! []

April 27, 2022 | 9:30am - 12pm April 28, 2022 | 12:30 - 3pm *Traducción en Español Abajo* ENACT Day brings together community members from all over California to advocate for policies addressing racial and socio-economic inequities. The Annual ENACT Advocacy Day is designed to share space, expertise and lived experience to inform policy solutions. A wide variety of coalition partners help plan ENACT who work on health, equity, and racial justice issues. The time is now. Communities most...

Independent Feeding - Parenting Center Tip of the Week []

Independent Feeding Learning to feed themselves is important for babies’ regulation and fine motor skills. Being able to stop when they’re done allows babies to control how much they eat – and learn their bodies’ own signs of fullness. Feeding can exercise the small muscles in a baby’s hand and assist in learning the pincer grasp – a preliteracy skill that facilitates writing. Whenever possible and safe, encourage families to allow babies to feed themselves. While it may be messy, it’s an...

Resilient Wisconsin: Trauma-Informed News and Notes for March 2022

Did you know Resilient Wisconsin offers free webcasts on topics related to trauma and toxic stress? Check out the library of videos on the Resilient Wisconsin: Resources webpage . ACEs, adversity's impact Resource: Integrating Adverse Childhood Experiences Screening into Clinical Practice: Insights from California Providers Childhood trauma and genetics linked to increased obesity risk Why deaths of despair are increasing in the US and not other industrial nations—Insights from Neuroscience...

Lest We Forget

Please remember that on the original ACES assessment each of the ACES questions had low levels of correlation with an individual's health outcomes. It is only in the aggregate that relationships within populations existed.

VA TICNs eNote March 21 2022

The third annual Resilience Week VA is fast approaching! No celebration of resilience is too big or too small. Take a moment during the week for self and/or community care. This Jamboard put together by folks from across VA has lots of ideas - feel free to add yours! Click the image above to download it as a larger slide you can share with your networks. You can also download a simple Resilience Week one-pager with general info to share. These resources and more are available on the...

'I couldn't sit there and do nothing': These teens created a website matching Ukrainian refugees with hosts offering shelter []

By Alaa Elassar, Photo: Thierry Pasquet, CNN US, March 20, 2022 Two Harvard University students have created a website connecting thousands of Ukrainian refugees with hosts around the world offering them a safe haven. The idea was born when Avi Schiffmann attended a pro-Ukraine demonstration while visiting San Diego, where he came face to face with hundreds of Ukrainian Americans sharing distressing stories and pleading for help. "I remember thinking, 'I know how to design websites with big...

Students had nowhere to sleep, so a San Francisco school opened the gym: ‘How could we not?’ []

By Gail Cornwall, Photo: Marissa Leshnov/the Hechinger Report, The Guardian, March 17, 2022 On a Friday evening in the fall of 2019, Maria Flores stood waiting with her “crazy heavy” duffel bag and her teenage son outside the office of a man whose home she cleaned. After being evicted, “every single day I was looking for a place to live”, Flores said. The man had offered two air mattresses, keys to his office, and permission to sleep there on weekends. But on this Friday, someone was working...

The simplest, most revolutionary approach to ending poverty []

By Siobahn McDonough, Photo: Henry Griffin/AP, Vox, March 18, 2022 In the last years of his life, frustrated by the failure of the civil rights movement to change the day-to-day financial circumstances of Black Americans, Martin Luther King Jr. turned much of his focus to questions of economic justice, and increasingly landed on one possible option. In 1966 testimony in front of the US Senate, King declared, “I am now convinced that the simplest approach will prove to be the most...

Dreading the knock at the door: Parents of trans kids in Texas are terrified for their families []

By Caitlin Gibson, Photo: Contributed Family Photo, The Washington Post, March 17, 2022 The sticky note left on Amber Briggle’s desk was scrawled with a name, a phone number and the words urgent and private . When Briggle, a mother of two and a small-business owner in Texas, arrived at her office on Feb. 28, she felt sure she knew what the note meant: Another parent of a transgender child — perhaps one who was under investigation by the state’s protective services agency — was calling for...

New Hanover Resiliency Task Force sends Hopeful Message to Ukrainians Learning Community Resiliency Model Skills

In support of Ukrainians aligned with EdCamp Ukraine, members of the New Hanover Resiliency Task Force met Sunday afternoon to create a banner and a video to be shared during daily Zoom Support Meetings offered to the Ukrainians; by the Trauma Resource Institute (TRI). An international volunteer team led by TRI’s executive team members, Elaine Miller-Karas and Michael Sapp have offered daily Zoom Support Meetings reinforcing the skills of the Community Resiliency Model. Since the beginning...

Depression, A Silent Killer

For many who read this blog, speaking about depression may seem redundant. However, an enemy that isn’t acknowledged becomes a silent killer. So, for both those who understand too well what depression is and how it affects our lives and those who don’t know I am writing this post. Every human on planet earth experiences depression. There are no exceptions. When we lose jobs, loved ones, or face a significant negative life change, it is not at all uncommon for human beings to feel out of...

The invention of incarceration (

For most of Western history, long-term incarceration wasn’t used as punishment, and many countries even had rules against it, Rubin tells Knowable . “The idea of confining people for long periods of time as punishment was really quite revolutionary.” Her research involves combing archives for records, letters and other documents on the early history of prisons, and along with other scholars she argues that prisons as we now know them first arose in the nascent United States, shortly after...

Casual Evil

Most people I know remember the school visit of an elderly, and usually elegant, senior citizen with a slight accent. Sometimes showing a tattooed number on a forearm, they shared their direct experience as survivors of Hitler’s concentration camps.The quiet dignity and enduring resilience stunned us into silence and stayed with us for the rest of our lives. We grew up in the shadow of the holocaust. We assumed that what was right and wrong had been settled. That in democracies at least,...

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