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FUNDING Opportunity! Up to 30 Grants of Up to $1M Each to Prevent ACEs in CA Communities

RFI Opening: Up to 30 Grants of Up to $1M Each to Prevent ACEs in CA Communities - Public Health Institute ( Note that prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to complete this RFI by March 21, 2022. The completion of the RFI is non-binding and not required. Responses will help grant organizers to better understand the existing ACEs landscape, assess organizational capacity across the state, and plan for the technical assistance needed to ensure the success of selected grantees.

It's World Happiness Week!

PACEs Connection is a social media sponsor of the World Happiness Fest and shares this information as part of our media sponsorship agreement: The World Happiness Fest is thrilled to present our annual six-day Happiness Celebration taking place from March 17th – 22nd. This series of events is the most diverse, and polycentric global happiness forum, reaching over 10M people in 2021 in over 76 countries. The World Happiness Week unites the leading happiness and well-being experts from the...

America is in danger of falling apart. We need to act now before it's too late. (

America Talks is a unique opportunity to join thousands of Americans who refuse to give up on our country. By Pearce Godwin, Opinion contributor March 17, 2022 — On a recent road trip across the United States, I repeatedly encountered the breathtaking beauty of the place we call home. The peaks and plains awakened my patriotism. The pain and fear prevalent today seemed, at times, far away. Yet I know that toxic polarization – the way we demonize each other across differences – is causing...

Full-Service Community Schools Are Critical Investments for Children and Families in Poverty []

By Mavis Sanders, Photo: Unsplash, Child Trends, March 17, 2022 In Spring 2020, when schools abruptly closed due to COVID-19, millions of children in low-income communities lost access to free and reduced-price meals . Food insecurity and the risk of hunger subsequently increased for these children and their families. Full-service community schools (FSCSs)—schools that integrate social and health services, extended learning opportunities, family and community engagement, and collaborative...

Use of Foster Care Went Down During the First Pandemic Year. Did Maltreatment? []

By Michael Fitzgerald, Illustration: Christine Ongjoco, The Imprint, March 17, 2022 In a wood- and marble-paneled Washington, D.C., hearing room last month, President Joe Biden’s nominee for a top child welfare post delivered a stunning number to United States senators: Despite all the devastation families experienced following the emergence of COVID-19, there were roughly 1,000 fewer children in the Oregon foster care system when compared with two years prior. Rebecca Jones Gaston cited “a...

The 9-to-5 Schedule Should Be the Next Pillar of Work to Fall []

By Emily Laber-Warren, Illustration: Oscar Bolton Green, The New York Times, March 17, 2022 Thirty percent of workers around the world surveyed last year said they would consider seeking a new job if their current employer required them to return to the office full time. Millennials are especially resistant . In response to the Covid pandemic, PepsiCo , Meta and General Motors , among others, have incorporated remote work into their corporate cultures. But in a truly flexible workplace,...

‘American Diagnosis’: A Fuller Moon Rising — Revised ‘Violence Against Women Act’ Offers Hope []

By Kaiser Health News, Illustration: Oona Tempest/KHN, Kaiser Health News, March 16, 2022 Mary Kathryn Nagle is a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, an attorney, a playwright ― and an advocate working to increase protections for Native women in the U.S. justice system. Not long after the Violence Against Women Act, or VAWA, was reauthorized in 2013, she sat with fellow activist Lisa Brunner to talk about a new play Nagle was working on in response to the ruling. Brunner said she told the...

Ukranian violinist joined by 94 fellow musicians as he plays folk song from bomb shelter (

As Ukraine continues to fight off Russia's military invasion, we see more and more heartbreaking images of suffering and destruction from the war. Apartment buildings where people went about their lives less than three weeks ago devastated by bombs, rubble and missiles in streets and playgrounds where families walked and children played, hoards of people fleeing with what they could carry, leaving everything they've known behind. The loss and waste and inhumanity of it all are unfathomable,...

Meet the Underdog of Senior Care []

By Paula Span, Photo: Brian Fraser/The New York Times, The New York Times, March 12, 2022 Felicia Biteranta was struggling when, five years ago, she enrolled in a PACE program operated by Lutheran Senior Life in Jersey City, N.J. Having suffered a stroke, she found it hard to eat without choking. She fell frequently; her diabetes was out of control; she had pulmonary disease and asthma. She might miss a medical appointment if she could not arrange or afford a taxi. Her family lived far away.

Interview with Audrey Smolkin from the New Center on Child Wellbeing and Trauma []

By Audrey Smolkin, 3/17/22, Below is an interview with Audrey Smolkin, the Executive Director of the new Center on Child Wellbeing and Trauma. The HOPE Team worked with Audrey and her team to incorporate the HOPE framework into their new website. Learn more about this new center and how HOPE contributes to their amazing work in the Massachusetts community! Please introduce yourself and your work to our readers. I am the Executive Director of the...

Overcoming Codependency

In this series of articles, we have examined codependency and various types of trauma. We’ve learned that living in a home where there is familial violence and neglect can spark in a child the need to be needed and thus set them up for becoming codependent in later life. This article will focus on how to overcome codependency to live a healthier, happier life. A Reminder of What Codependency Is To talk about the cure for codependence, we must first remind ourselves of what comprises...

MacPhee: Schools and Educators Are Uniquely Positioned to Support Students’ Mental Health. Here Are 7 Things They Can Do []

By John MacPhee, Photo: Getty Images, The 74 Million, March 14, 2022 P resident Joe Biden recently gave his first State of the Union address , highlighting the urgent need to address the youth mental health crisis exacerbated by the pandemic and providing recommendations for how the various institutions that serve and surround young people can do so. Perhaps the most important of these institutions is the one where teens and young adults spend most of their time: their schools. Although...

In Alaska, Indigenous Women Are Reclaiming Traditional Face Tattoos []

By Christian Allaire, Photo: Ash Adams, Vogue, March 8, 2022 When she was 14 years old, Quannah Chasinghorse decided she wanted a traditional Indigenous face tattoo. The Hän Gwich’in and Oglala Lakota model—who has since, at age 19, made an impression on the fashion world after starring in Gucci campaigns and landing a Vogue Mexico cover —had grown up in Fairbanks, Alaska, seeing images of her ancestors wearing the three distinct chin lines called Yidįįłtoo. She asked her mother, Jody...

This is why it’s so hard to find mental health counseling right now []

By Lenny Bernstein, Photo: Allison Zaucha/The Washington Post, The Washington Post, March 6, 2022 Angelle Haney Gullett lost her father in September and knew she would need grief counseling. She contacted 25 therapists in the Los Angeles area, where she lives, between early October and Christmas, neatly tracking her efforts on a spreadsheet. None would accept a new client. In most cases, their waiting lists were closed as well, even though Gullett was willing to pay hundreds of dollars in...

Virtual Healing Circle

Welcome to Virtual Healing Circles! This session serves as an opportunity for people to connect and offer supportive group spaces in processing the ongoing violence across our globe. We invite you to join us in sharing a space for people to offer compassion and experience unity. Join us Wednesday, March 30, 2022 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Please register here:

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