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Researchers Say Science Skewed by Racism is Increasing the Threat of Global Warming to People of Color []

By Bob Berwyn, Photo: Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Inside Climate News, February 22, 2022 Black, Brown and Indigenous people have been systematically excluded from earth sciences, magnifying their exposure to the most severe impacts of climate change, said Asmeret Asefaw Berhe , lead author of a recent commentary in the journal Nature Geosciences. That adds to the burden of global warming that people of color already bear more heavily than other populations because the world for centuries has been...

Watching footage from Ukraine? Here's how to protect your mental health. []

By Rebecca Ruiz, Photo: Bloomberg, Mashable, March 2, 2022 Without warning, there it was in my Twitter feed: video of a Russian missile exploding a Ukrainian administrative building in Kharkiv. Minutes earlier, I'd seen footage of Ukrainians rushing to flee the country's capital via train. The reporter's caption was more haunting than the imagery: "A mother was just briefly separated from her child on the platform and her scream was something I'm not sure I can find words to describe." This...

Black History Month: Four Major Historical Examples of Racism in American Medicine []

By Color of Change, Photo: Getty Images, Black Entertainment Television, February 28, 2022 Despite advances over the decades in medicine and medical technology, for many years the healthcare industry has delivered negligent care rooted in systemic bias to Black communities. There is a long history of mistreatment and exploitation of Black people in the health care system. Black patients are more likely to experience systemic racism in health care, according to several studies. Below are four...

Snuggle-ready dogs are available to anxious patients at some dentist offices, but some patients worry about the risks, from slobber to nips []

By Michelle Crouch, Photo: Michelle Crouch/Kaiser Health News, The Washington Post, February 26, 2022 The first time 11-year-old Levi McAllister had a tooth pulled, he screamed, kicked and struggled so much that his mom had to hold him down. So when Levi returned to Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry in January to get two more teeth pulled, dental hygienist Barb Kucera had a surprise for him: a friendly yellow Labrador retriever named Atkins. “Would you like Atkins to lie on your lap?” she asked.

Getting Out the Door on Time - Parenting Center Tip of the Week []

Getting Out the Door on Time For many families, getting out the door to school each morning can be a source of stress and conflict. For preschoolers, you can help parents promote autonomy and self-regulation skills by suggesting that they create a simple picture schedule of the morning activities to empower their child to be “in charge” of their own behavior. Having control over how and when things get done increases cooperation skills and builds competence. See this video for an example...

California made a historic investment in school counselors. Is it enough? []

By Carolyn Jones, Photo: Alison Yin/EdSource, EdSource, March 1, 2022 F or the first time in more than a decade, California invested significantly in school counselors last year as the pandemic spurred a mental health crisis among young people. But even with more funds and a soaring need, California’s school student-to-counselor ratio still ranks near the bottom nationally. According to the national rankings released last month by the American School Counselor Association, California schools...

Biden urges Americans to consider tutoring, mentoring in schools []

By Matt Barnum, Photo: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty Images, Chalkbeat, March 1, 2022 President Joe Biden has a message to Americans: Consider becoming a tutor or serving as a mentor at your local school. “The American Rescue Plan gave schools money to hire teachers and help students make up for lost learning,” Biden said during the State of the Union address Tuesday. “I urge every parent to make sure your school does just that. They have the money. We can all play a part: sign up to...

Kenyan U.N. ambassador compares Ukraine's plight to colonial legacy in Africa []

By Bill Chappel, Photo: Lev Radin/Pacific Press/Light Rocket/Getty Images, National Public Radio, February 22, 2022 Russia's move to recognize breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine as "republics" drew a sharp rebuke from Kenyan U.N. Ambassador Martin Kimani, who used a speech at the U.N. Security Council to recount the perils of clinging to vestiges of empire. Kimani said Russian President Vladimir Putin rejected diplomacy in favor of military force, which has put the international norm of...

Tune in March 3 for new PACEs Connection podcast—History. Culture. Trauma. — with guest Agnes Woodward

Hosted by PACES Connection CEO Ingrid Cockhren In consideration of Women's History month, the entire month of March will be dedicated to the women creating a legacy in the worldwide PACEs movement. In this episode, we will talk with Agnes Woodward. Agnes is using her knowledge of historical trauma and the healing power of the arts to raise awareness of the adversity indigenous women face and how they can also heal themselves, their families and future generations. About Agnes Woodward:...

Opinion: Coverage of Ukraine has exposed long-standing racist biases in Western media []

By H.A. Hellyer, Image: Screen capture from article, The Washington Post, February 28, 2022 “This isn’t a place, with all due respect, like Iraq or Afghanistan, that has seen conflict raging for decades,” Charlie D’Agata, a CBS correspondent in Kyiv, told his colleagues back in the studio. “You know, this is a relatively civilized, relatively European — I have to choose those words carefully, too — city where you wouldn’t expect that or hope that it’s going to happen.” Putin’s criminal...

HOPE Block by Block - Engagement with Robyn McGough, MSW []

By The HOPE Team, 3/2/2022, Robyn McGough, MSW, joins HOPE’s Director of Training and Technical Assistance, Amanda Winn, for the fourth vlog in our new series, HOPE Block by Block. This series highlights the work of Black practitioners, scholars, researchers, and community activists during the month of February. In this fourth episode, Robyn will address the HOPE building block of social and civic engagement. The engagement building block is...

These students helped overturn a book ban. Now they’re pushing for a more inclusive education. []

By Anne Branigin, Photo: Bill Kalina/The York Dispatch, The Washington Post, February 24, 2022 Edha Gupta can count on her fingers the number of times she’s learned about Asian Americans in history class — lessons so meager she refers to them as “slivers.” “It was mostly to do with the California gold rush,” recalls Gupta, a senior at Central York High School in Pennsylvania. She didn’t learn about how India’s history intersected with the United States' until AP World History, and even then,...

Black Advocates Take Ownership of Ancestors’ History; Legislation Could Help []

By Aallyah Wright, Photo: The Pew Chartiable Trusts, PEW, February 25, 2022 On a windy Thursday morning in mid-February, the Rev. Michelle Thomas walked up a winding gravel path surrounded by dirt, broken tree branches and mostly brown grass. The path led to the African American Burial Ground for the Enslaved at Belmont, a 2.75-acre site formerly known as the Belmont Slave Cemetery. In 2017 the Toll Brothers building company donated the site to the nonprofit Thomas founded, the Loudoun...

A New Revolution in Black Womanhood Begins March 1, on Black Women's Appreciation Day []

By Avis Jones-DeWeever, Photo: Avis Jones-DeWeever, Yahoo! News, February 22, 2022 Successful CEO, Author, Media Commentator and Race & Gender Empowerment Expert, Avis Jones-DeWeever , Ph.D. is answering the call to honor, expand, and elevate Black women professionals across the nation. During this special event, Dr. Avis will unlock what she's termed, the Five Power Tools every Black woman needs to take unapologetic control of her career, her bank account, and her life. Among other...

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