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Climate change is already making parts of the world unlivable []

By Umair Irfan, Photo: Climate change is already testing the limits of what human communities can survive, and if warming isn’t kept in check, some of the most crowded parts of the planet will become practically unlivable. The temperatures are already getting too hot, disasters are becoming too severe, and the costs of staying put are becoming unbearable for millions of people. And the greatest impacts are on those least able to cope. These are some of the stark conclusions in the latest...

How Vladimir Putin's childhood is affecting us all

In 1994, former President Jimmy Carter proposed establishing a group of physicians to ascertain the mental health of a sitting president. A panel was assembled to consider the proposal, but the idea withered. During the Trump presidency, some U.S. lawmakers suggested that the vice president and the cabinet hire experts to evaluate the mental health of the president due to his erratic behavior, but that proposal went no further, either. It's clear that it would be useful to develop some...

The ACF Indigenous Programs Conference

We are pleased to invite you to attend the 2022 Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Indigenous Programs Conference! This exciting event will be held virtually via Zoom, starting Tuesday, March 22 through Thursday, March 24, 2022 , with each day starting at 1:30 PM (EST) and ending at 7:30 PM (EST). Below, you will find a copy of the agenda to review the full list of plenary, workshop, and networking sessions. Event Overview & Agenda The meeting will include outstanding Native...

Introducing New Recorded Trainings!

Are you looking for ways to support students from marginalized communities, but don't have time to take a class? Then check out our new trainings, created to help you develop a better understanding of your students, and provide supportive strategies grounded in a trauma-informed approach! The series includes a detailed look into the experiences of children from several marginalized communities, and offers techniques designed to help students feel safe, empowered, and able to focus on their...

By popular demand: PACEs Connection's PACEs science 101 presentation for anyone to use

You asked for it! It's finally here: PACEs Connection's official PACEs science PowerPoint ! Who's it for? Anyone who needs to do a presentation about PACEs science. How long is it? About 25-30 minutes, depending on how fast you speak. What does it cover? The five parts of PACEs science—epidemiology (the ACE Study and other surveys), the neurobiology of toxic stress (brain science), the short- and long-term health consequences of toxic stress, historical trauma and the effects of toxic stress...

Women leaving prison in Colorado are released without much-needed resources []

By Daliah Singer, Photo: Eli Imadali/The Colorado Trust, The Colorado Sun, February 25, 2022 On the day Pam Clifton was released from prison to a halfway house in Littleton, she was in possession of one pair of sweatpants, a box of paperwork and $3.18. It was 2002, and she had served almost four years on a drug charge. Being on the outside immediately overwhelmed her. Even the thought of walking into a 7-Eleven was terrifying; there were too many choices, too many bright lights. “I remember...

The Youth Movement Trying To Revolutionize Climate Politics []

By Andrew Marantz, Photo: Evan Jenkins/The New Yorker, The New Yorker, February 28, 2022 O n the evening of November 12, 2018, six days after being elected to Congress and six weeks before being sworn in, the socialist Democrats Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez walked into an Episcopal church in Washington, D.C. Inside, more than a hundred activists in their teens and twenties milled around a font of holy water, wearing nametags on their flannel and fleece, eating pizza from paper...

What Are School-Based Health Clinics? []

By Hannah Zwiebel and Lindsay A. Thompson, Illustration: From article, JAMA Pediatrics, February 28, 2022 Schools provide health care in many ways, from nurses’ offices for routine health needs to professionally equipped school-based health clinics staffed by trained medical professionals. More and more schools are offering these school-based health clinics to students. Because regular physician’s offices may only be open during school or work hours, parents may be forced to choose between...

Highlights from Minnesota—CDC funding for preventing ACEs addresses violence prevention in American Indian communities and services for families impacted by incarceration

After the disappointing news that the state’s application for CDC’s Preventing ACEs: Data to Action (PACE: D2A) program was not successful, Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) staffer Kari Gloppen, who was involved in writing the proposal, was thrilled and surprised when CDC granted $400,000 annually in funding for the final two years of the three-year program. Before the stunning reversal, Gloppen along with Catherine Diamond, now co-principal investigators for the PACE: D2A program,...

The time to address the student mental health crisis is now []

By Jack Rosen, Photo: iStock, The Hill, February 24, 2022 One of the most damaging impacts of the pandemic is the toll it has taken on our nation’s students — many of whom are struggling with feelings of grief, anxiety, isolation, and depression brought on by the enormous difficulties of this pandemic. COVID-19 has only exacerbated the numerous challenges that our students have faced over the past few years. Our kids have been facing unprecedented stresses. From the loss of loved ones and...

How to Tap into ARPA $ for your ACEs, Resilience or Early Childhood Coalition

Many coalitions working on ACEs, Trauma and Resilience (or positive childhood development) can feel frustrated when they see billions of federal ARPA dollars flowing into their state to help elementary and secondary schools--but without seeing how they can tap into some of that unprecedented funding. This 9-minute video is edited from a recent webinar that I led on how local community coalitions can partner with school districts in ways that allow the ARPA's Elementary and Secondary School...

One Week Until the HOPE Summit - Learn to use the Conference Site []

By Laura Gallant, 3/1/22, The Second-Annual HOPE Summit is one week away! Register now and log into the conference site. Below is information on how to enroll in the workshops of your choice , network with other attendees, and much more. If the cost of the conference impacts your ability to attend, please email to learn more about our scholarship opportunities. How to use the Conference Site: Logging in – Once you...

When Her Husband Said He Wanted to Die, Amy Bloom Listened []

By Elisabeth Egan, Photo: Lisa Kereszi/The New York Times, The New York Times, February 27, 2022 On Jan. 26, 2020, Amy Bloom and her husband, Brian Ameche, boarded a flight from New York to Zurich. They hadn’t called on their usual driver to transport them from their home in Connecticut to John F. Kennedy Airport; they didn’t want to make small talk about their itinerary. Usually they flew coach, but this time they were in business class. “In our Swissair pods, Brian and I toast each other,...

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