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ACEs - A Promise or A Peril: To Screen or Not to Screen, That Is the Question []

Join us Wednesday, March 9th at 9:15 - 10:30 AM ET Agenda: · Commissioner welcome · National debate about whether to screen for ACEs in the clinical setting. · Risks associated with ACEs screening in pediatric primary care settings · ACEs through an equity lens Click Here To Register! Christine Norbut Beyer, MSW has been Commissioner of the NJ Department of Children and Families since 2018. She is redefining the agency as a prevention-focused, child and family serving department, with a...

George Takei: ‘I maintain that without optimism, we’ve already failed’ []

By KK Ottesen, Photo: George Takei, The Washington Post, February 15, 2022 George Takei, 84, is an actor, activist — particularly on social media — and author. His recent graphic novel, “ They Called Us Enemy ,” chronicles his early life in the internment camps for Japanese Americans during World War II. Feb. 19, 2022, marks 80 years since President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which ordered all Japanese Americans on the West Coast and the western part of Arizona to be...

The end of ‘dark days’ for SUNY students in debt []

By Meredtith Kolodner, Photo: Malik Rainey/The New York Times, The Hechinger Report, February 18, 2022 A fter years of inflexible debt-collection practices that have burdened SUNY students with punitive payment schedules, high interest and crippling collection fees, New York State officials are promising change. The board of trustees of the State University of New York system voted last month to review the way it collects student debt at all 64 SUNY campuses, and the interim chancellor,...

This global public health challenge affects one in four women. Where's the outrage or the plan? []

By Eliza Anyangwe, Photo: SDCoret/CNN, CNN Health, February 22, 2022 On Wednesday, a new study in The Lancet revealed that more than a quarter -- 27% -- of women around the world, aged 15-49, have experienced domestic violence from a male intimate partner at least once in their lifetime. That's approximately one in four women. And the abuse starts young: 24% of 15- to 19-year-olds had experienced violence. The study used estimates based on data capturing the responses of 2 million women...

The great greenwashing scam: PR firms face reckoning after spinning for big oil []

By Amy Westervelt, Photo: Jessica Lutz/Reuters, The Guardian, February 18, 2022 T his week a peer-reviewed study confirmed what many have suspected for years: major oil companies are not fully backing up their clean energy talk with action. Now the PR and advertising firms that have been creating the industry’s greenwashing strategies for decades face a reckoning over whether they will continue serving big oil. The study compared the rhetoric and actions on climate and clean energy from 2009...

Nature’s Say: How Voices from Hawai’i Are Reframing the Climate Conversation []

By Audrey Gray, Photo: Audrey Gray/Inside Climate News, Inside Climate News, February 13, 2022 The Parc Chanot exhibition space in Marseille, France, early last September was a sea of slim-tailored suits tapered tight at the ankles. Diplomats and agents consulaires floated through pavilions, vibing protocol. After a one-year Covid delay, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, which gathers members from more than 160 nations every four years for an olympics of environmental...

Yale’s Happiness Professor Says Anxiety Is Destroying Her Students []

By David Marchese, Photo Illustration: Bráulio Amado/The New York Times, The New York Times, February 18, 2022 Since the Yale cognitive scientist Laurie Santos began teaching her class Psychology and the Good Life in 2018, it has become one of the school’s most popular courses. The first year the class was offered, nearly a quarter of the undergraduate student body enrolled. You could see that as a positive: all these young high-achievers looking to learn scientifically corroborated...

Podcast: Ruqaiijah Yearby Reviews Structural Racism in US Health Care Policy []

From HealthAffairs, Image: HealthAffairs, February 15, 2022 "Members of racial and ethnic minority groups have long suffered from health inequities in the United States. These inequities result, in large part, from racial and ethnic minority populations' inequitable access to health care, which persists because of structural racism in health care policy. Racism includes a complex array of social structures, interpersonal interactions, and beliefs by which the group in power categorizes...

73 doctors and none available: How ghost networks hamper mental health care []

By Katherine Ellison, Illustration: Eric Petersen/The Washington Post, The Washington Post, February 19, 2022 While seeking help for her teenage daughter’s anxiety, Barbara Griswold says she called 73 doctors listed in her insurance plan’s network. Not one was available for an appointment within two months. Many never called back. Some had retired. Others weren’t taking insurance. Several weren’t seeing adolescents. Still others had disconnected numbers. And some had died. After three weeks...

We Need Resilience Strategies More Than Ever!

It's undisputed! The pandemic has increased the level of stress for millions. It has also illuminated the need for resilience strategies to help us cope with the effects of stress. Strategies we can use personally and strategies we can teach to others. Although we are united on the need for resilience to buffer the effects of stress, we are divided on what works. Many have suggested that building resilience is like strengthening a muscle. Unfortunately, it has not produced effective...

Webinar tomorrow: Anti-Black racism and the threat to American Health | February 23, 2022

WHEN : Feb. 23, 2022, from 10 a.m.-11 a.m. PT / 1-2 p.m. ET Racial and ethnic minorities in America experience a lower quality of health services, and are less likely to receive even routine medical procedures than are white Americans, a seminal report led by Brian Smedley, Ph.D., concluded in 2003. Nearly two decades since that damning Institute of Medicine finding, the fundamental problems of systemic racism in the U.S. health care system remain unchanged, just one aspect of a much broader...

How Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Helped Remake the Literary Canon []

David Remnick, Photo: Andres Serrano/The New Yorker, The New Yorker, February 19, 2022 It’s important to say it up front: I can’t claim to approach Henry Louis Gates, Jr.—or Skip, as he’s known—as a subject of objective journalistic inquiry. We’ve known each other first as colleagues at The New Yorker , where he wrote the Profiles that make up his collection “ Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Black Man ,” and then as friends. Still, I don’t think it requires the prejudice of friendship to...

The Seven Habits That Lead to Happiness in Old Age []

By Arthur C. Brooks, Illustration: Jan Buchczik, The Atlantic, February 17, 2022 I magine yourself 10 years from now. Will you be happier or less happy than you are today? I ask my graduate students—average age, late 20s—this question every year. The majority think they will be happier. But when I ask about their prediction for 50 years from now, it seems a lot less rosy. Being in their late 70s doesn’t sound so great to most of them. They are shocked when I show them the data on what...

Black Farmers Fear Foreclosure as Debt Relief Remains Frozen []

By Alan Rappeport, Photo: Montinique Monroe/The New York Times, The New York Times, February 21, 2022 For Brandon Smith, a fourth-generation cattle rancher from Texas, the $1.9 trillion stimulus package that President Biden signed into law nearly a year ago was long-awaited relief. The legislation included $4 billion of debt forgiveness for Black and other “socially disadvantaged” farmers, a group that has endured decades of discrimination from banks and the federal government. Mr. Smith, a...

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