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Opinion: Maryland judges must be trained on child custody and abuse []

By Annie Kenny, Photo: iStock, The Washington Post, February 17, 2022 There’s this place around the corner from you, seemingly insignificant, but it hosts a house of horrors. It’s a place where the same therapists, medical providers and teachers who are legally required to report suspected child abuse are not allowed to save a child before more abuse occurs. Where truth is obsolete, and right and wrong don’t matter. It’s called family court. And I’ve been trapped there for four years now.

Inside Clean Energy: Texas Is the Country's Clean Energy Leader, Almost in Spite of Itself []

By Dan Gearino, Photo: Brandon Bell/Getty Images, February 17, 2022 In the race to build renewable energy projects in 2021, Texas lapped the competition. The state had 7,352 megawatts of new wind, solar and energy storage projects come online during the year, according to a report issued this week by the American Clean Power Association, a trade group. The runner-up, California, brought 2,697 megawatts online. But what got my attention wasn’t Texas’ dominance in 2021. It was that Texas also...

Nonprofit Raises Money From American Weddings to Combat Child Marriage Globally []

By Glenn Gamboa, Photo: Apsatou Bagaya/Vow for Girls/AP, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, February 16, 2022 Hope Nankunda is fighting to keep young Ugandan girls in school and away from marriages until after they turn 18. It’s a calling that began for Nankunda as a teacher, when she found herself spending more time counseling her students than engaging in classroom instruction. “They share about the challenges in their communities, in their homes, and most of these challenges have a lot to do...

How We Can Support Students and School Communities Through Crisis []

By Turnaround for Children, Photo: Alison Shelly/EDUimages, Turnaround for Children, February 17, 2022 In communities across the country, students and the adults who teach, support, and care for them are struggling under the weight of more than two years of uncertainty, fear, and lack of safety from the COVID-19 pandemic. BIPOC families have disproportionately experienced some of the most disruptive impacts due to the pervasive context of systemic racism, which has been exacerbated by the...

Historical Trauma Never Takes a Day Off with Dr. Donielle Prince | New from Latchkey Urchins & Friends Podcast

I was thrilled to interview my colleague here at PACEs Connection, @Donielle Prince (PACEs Connection Staff) , for Episode 22 of Latchkey Urchins & Friends Podcast . My podcast co-host Anne Sherry and I interview Dr. Donielle Prince about holidays in the United States like Presidents day and the legacy of historical racial trauma and violence which complicates celebrating said holidays. We talk about the messiness of engaging with social justice and racial equity work and how to stay in...

CA Protective Parents Association: February CA & National Updates []

Awareness to Change February 17, 2022 California and the nation are moving forward with the acceptance of the family court crisis. There has been pushback, but as most know, this means we are making waves in the status quo, that is the culture that dismisses abuse. More are finding the courage to name abuse. More are not accepting the DARVO tactics nor getting distracted with blanket custody laws. More are learning about abuse and trauma. Below is the National Safe Parents Coalition update...

An Applied Research Agenda on Black Children and Families to Advance Practices and Policies That Promote Their Well-being []

By Mavis Sanders, Chrishana M. Lloyd, and Sara Shaw, Photo: Unsplash, Child Trends, February 17, 2022 This brief is part of a larger effort by Child Trends researchers to expand knowledge about Black children and families. This effort includes continued work on Black family cultural assets and the development of a new multi-year applied research agenda on Black children and families. While sometimes prioritizing adults within Black families and sometimes prioritizing children, the goals of...

Often overlooked, civil rights advocate Constance Baker Motley gets her due []

By Tonya Mosley, Photo: Wikipedia, National Public Radio, February 16, 2022 In Civil Rights Queen, author Tomiko Brown-Nagin profiles Motley, a Black woman who wrote the original complaint in Brown v. The Board of Education and was on Martin Luther King's legal team. TERRY GROSS, HOST: This is FRESH AIR. I'm Terry Gross. Today, we're going to hear about a woman whose biographer says belongs in the pantheon of great American leaders. And the lack of attention she's received is a form of...

The big idea: is it time to stop worrying about stress? []

By David Robson, Elia Barbieri/The Guardian, The Guardian, February 14, 2022 I n the late 19th-century America, a somewhat bizarre form of abstinence emerged. The vice was not alcohol but anxiety. Citizens of New York began to attend regular “Don’t Worry Clubs” in which they encouraged each other to look on the bright side of life. Their founder, Theodore Seward, argued that Americans were “slaves to the worrying habit”, which was the “enemy which destroys happiness”. It needed to be...

The Future of Cityhood []

By Brentin Mock, Photo: ilbusca/Digital Vision Vectors, Bloomberg CityLab, February 17, 2022 Like most of metro Atlanta, the suburbs of Cobb County have been becoming more liberal and diverse. So much so that in 2020, Cobb County’s board of commissioners changed from majority-Republican to majority-Democrat for the first time in decades, with the election of three Black women. One of them, Lisa Cupid, is the first African American and woman to chair the board of commissioners in the county’s...

HOPE Summit Updates - Conference Schedule and Continuing Education Credits Now Available []

by Laura Gallant, 2/17/22, The HOPE National Resource Center is thrilled to offer continuing education credits for the HOPE Summit – Growing HOPE. Physicians, nurses, social workers and psychologists will be able to get up to 1.5 hours of continuing education credit. Register here to get your continuing education credits at the HOPE Summit! Please note that these credits only apply to Dr. Wendy Ellis’s Keynote, and not the afternoon workshops. We...

Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day Thursday February 17, 2022!

The work to create a kinder world never ends. There is no limit on the amount of goodness we can put into the world, but we need your help! We invite you to join the annual Random Acts of Kindness Day (RAK DAY) celebration on Thursday, February 17, 2022 and help #MakeKindnesstheNorm Random Acts of Kindness Foundation 2022 Coloring Contest DOWNLOAD COLORING PAGE (8.5"X11") Download Coloring Page (A4) You are invited to join our first annual coloring contest! Beginning on February 1st, 2022...

Investors bought a record share of homes in 2021. See where. []

By Kevin Schaul and Jonathan O'Connell, Image: From study, The Washington Post, February 16, 2022 Last year, investors bought nearly one in seven homes sold in America’s top metropolitan areas, the most in at least two decades, according to the realty company Redfin. Those purchases come at a time when would-be buyers across the country are seeing wildly escalating prices, raising the question of what impact investors are having on prices for everyone else. Investors were even more...

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