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Boiling Behind Bars []

By Alleen Brown, Photo: Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis/Getty Images, The Intercept, February 12, 2022 DURING THE YEAR Justin Phillips spent in an unair-conditioned segregation cell at the Coffield Unit, a state prison near Palestine, Texas, the soaring temperatures took a toll. All but eight days of June 2018 saw the heat index rise above 110 degrees. The blood pressure medicine Phillips takes to treat a rare kidney condition made him ill in high heat, so he would skip doses. At times, he said,...

The Limits of Resilience and the Need for Resistance: Articulating the Role of Music Therapy With Young People Within a Shifting Trauma Paradigm []

By Elly Scrine, Photo: Unsplash, Frontiers in Psychology, January 27, 2022 A broad sociocultural perspective defines trauma as the result of an event, a series of events, or a set of circumstances that is experienced as physically or emotionally harmful or life threatening, with lasting impacts on an individual’s physical, social, emotional, or spiritual wellbeing. Contexts and practices that aim to be “trauma-informed” strive to attend to the complex impacts of trauma, integrating knowledge...

How Our Mental Health Can Bounce Back []

By George Bonanno and June Gruber, Photo: Getty Images Plus, Slate, February 9, 2022 As the new year approached, wildfires swept unexpectedly across suburban neighborhoods in Boulder County, Colorado. Nearly 1,000 homes were destroyed in a matter of hours. Climate change disasters are unsettlingly constant now, and as the Boulder fire demonstrated so poignantly, they can occur almost anywhere. By themselves, climate disasters are worrisome enough, but they occur now amid the ongoing...

When Working for Racial Justice Means Taking Black History Month Off []

By Emma Goldberg, Photo: Anthony Merriweather/The New York Times, The New York Times, February 12, 2022 Rhonda Broussard spent two decades performing with West African dance groups in her free time. She would wait around all year for gigs — until February when her calendar was jammed. “In Black History Month you get all the calls,” she said. Now Ms. Broussard runs a diversity, equity and inclusion organization, in New Orleans, called Beloved Community. Starting last year, she has insisted...

Scholarships now available for Mind Matters Now!

Has the pandemic stressed you out? Want to learn the self-soothing skills of Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience directly from the author, Dr. Carolyn Curtis? Good news! The Dibble Institute has received generous funding for scholarships to the online, full 12-lesson series, Mind Matters Now . The course helps teachers, social workers, medical professionals, and others manage their stress by building resilience skills and practices for mental well-being. (CEU’s are...

Disney's 'Encanto' and the Exploration of Generational Trauma []

By Britt Cannon, Illustration: Neto Junior, Collider, February 12, 2022 Disney is no stranger to exploring some heavier aspects of life. Many of their releases from the last couple of decades have reputations for being tear-jerkers. More recently, films like Tangled , Inside Out , and Soul unpack emotional abuse, gaslighting, trauma, and even consciousness and death. Encanto is another incredible addition to a long line of animated features that carry a deeper message. Encanto is receiving...

We're worried about the wrong kind of 'trauma talk' online []

By Rebecca Ruiz, Illustration: Vicky Leta/Mashable, Mashable, February 13, 2022 There's a problem with the way you're talking about trauma online. Or at least that's what several critics have suggested, in one way or another, in recent months. The objectionable trends they've observed include people calling everything — even the slightest of personality quirks — a trauma response ; using the language of harm for just about anything, thereby diluting the clinical meaning of the word "trauma...

What happened after these unhoused people got monthly $500 checks? Two-thirds have homes []

By Adele Peters, Photo: Matthias Mullie/Unsplash, Fast Company, February 2, 2022 When a San Francisco-based nonprofit started a basic-income pilot last year —giving a small group of people experiencing homelessness $500 per month for six months—it didn’t expect that the cash would be enough to help people find housing in a city where the average one-bedroom apartment rents for more than $3,000 a month. The group predicted that the money would help reduce stress and improve food security, and...

A top researcher says it's time to rethink our entire approach to preschool []

By Anya Kamenetz, Illustration: L.A. Johnson/NPR, National Public Radio, February 10, 2022 Dale Farran has been studying early childhood education for half a century. Yet her most recent scientific publication has made her question everything she thought she knew. "It really has required a lot of soul-searching, a lot of reading of the literature to try to think of what were plausible reasons that might account for this." And by "this," she means the outcome of a study that lasted more than...

The Choice of Gratitude

The current series, because it is November, has focused on gratitude. We have explored together topics such as toxic positivity and its effect on survivors of complex trauma. We have discovered that gratitude, when experienced without guilt or shame, is healthy and can aid in the healing process. This article will focus on what it means to be grateful and how we can harness its power to overcome obstacles that stand in our way. The Destructive Power of All-or-Nothing Thinking All-or-nothing...

Together for Families Conference : Save the date & call for presenters

The October 19-21, 2022 biennial Together for Families Conference is a unique virtual event that connects various stakeholders from across the U.S. and Canada in the Family Support and Strengthening Field to focus on best and promising practice for supporting families’ advancement. This conference, co-hosted by key national organizations in the field, is designed for practitioners at the program, systems, and funder levels, it will provide valuable opportunities to learn from expert...

Join Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Day’s first annual coloring contest!

PACEs Connection is helping to get the world out about this, 17th year of Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Day. See below for instructions on downloading, coloring, and entering your sheet in the coloring contest, and you may win a bag of RAK swag! On #RandomActsOfKindnessDay, (February 17, 2022), five random entries will be selected to receive a RAK #MakeKindnessTheNorm Swag bag. Visit to download a coloring sheet and instructions now!

Interested in getting ARPA Money, Free Resources & Powerful Strategies for Your PACEs Coalition?

PACEs coalitions rarely have the money they need to achieve their aspirations for preventing and addressing ACEs. With the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) providing staggering amounts of money to local governments and school districts, many coalition leaders might be wondering if there are ways to tap into that funding. The answer is YES, if you’re willing to be a team player and to take some initiative to make strategic connections. BILLIONS are Now Available One of the biggest parts of...

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