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Want to be a criminal in America? Stealing billions is your best bet to go scot-free []

By Judd Legum, Photo: Ben Margot/AP, The Guardian, December 7, 2021 In the United States, only certain types of theft are newsworthy. For example, on 14 June 2021, a reporter for KGO-TV in San Francisco tweeted a cellphone video of a man in Walgreens filling a garbage bag with stolen items and riding his bicycle out of the store. According to San Francisco’s crime database, the value of the merchandise stolen in the incident was between $200 and $950. According to an analysis by Fair, a...

ACEs Aware Resources Available in Spanish []

We are excited to announce that new resources to support clinical approaches to addressing ACEs and toxic stress are now available in Spanish on the ACEs Aware Initiative . Please download and share these materials with your networks! ACE-Associated Health Conditions (Pediatric and Adults) 10 Categories of ACEs Infographic Spectrum of Positive, Tolerable, and Toxic Stress Infographic Stress Busters Wheel Additionally, Spanish versions of the Adult and Pediatric Algorithms and Workflows, Case...

Sex Apps for Gay Men Join Forces to Fight Online Insults []

By David Tuller, Image: Malte Mueller/Getty Images, California Healthline, December 9, 2021 Editor’s note: This article contains references to racial and ethnic slurs. Corey Baker, a gay man in Columbus, Ohio, has seen many dating app profiles that include phrases like “Blacks — don’t apply.” Sometimes when he declines invitations, he said, men lash out with insults like “you’re an ugly Black person anyway.” And some of his friends have been slammed with the N-word in similar situations.

Opportunities to Empower and Support Girls and Women in California: An Environmental Scan of Leadership Opportunities and Economic Supports to Prevent Sexual Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and Teen Dating Violence. []

From California Department of Public Health, December 2021 The California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Injury and Violence Prevention Branch (IVPB) is proud to release a new resource titled, “Opportunities to Empower and Support Girls and Women in California: An Environmental Scan of Leadership Opportunities and Economic Supports to Prevent Sexual Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, and Teen Dating Violence.” The IVPB addresses root causes of violence and applies an upstream approach...

Miles de trabajadores agrícolas obtendrán aumentos salariales gracias a una demanda []

By Melissa Montalvo, Photo: Rich Peroncelli/AP Photo, Cal Matters, 3 Diciembre 2021 Decenas de miles de trabajadores agrícolas invitados de California y trabajadores agrícolas estadounidenses verán aumentos salariales en 2022, lo que, según los defensores, se debe a su demanda para detener la congelación salarial de la era Trump. El aumento salarial se basa en los resultados de la encuesta anual del USDA sobre el trabajo agrícola , publicada el 24 de noviembre. La encuesta y sus resultados...


When the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the globe and eventually made its way to North America, communities scrambled to find protection against the infectious disease. But at the Toronto-based Canadian Women's Foundation, there were other safety measures underway. The foundation's leadership team knew that quarantines during a time of global panic would lead to more domestic violence. In April 2020, they launched the "signal for help," a hand gesture that has led to the rescue of endangered...

How Do Adverse Childhood Experiences Affect You Today?

Adults who experienced adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), aka traumatic experiences as children, still pay for what happened to them years, even decades later. But what are adverse childhood experiences? And how do they affect you today? This article shall attempt to explain ACEs and to help you recognize just how much what happened long ago influences your life now. What are ACEs? Many articles have been written about adverse childhood experiences and the study that first identified...

Fleeing global warming? ‘Climate havens’ aren’t ready for you yet. []

By Kate Yoder, Image: Grist/Getty Images, Grist, December 7, 2021 Forget the palm trees and warm ocean breeze. The upper Midwest could soon be the most sought-after living destination in the United States. The curb appeal of the Great Lakes region is that it appears to be a relatively safe place to ride out the wild weather of the future. It’s far from the storm-battered Eastern seaboard and buffered from the West’s wildfires and drought, with some of the largest sources of fresh water in...

The costly toll of dead-end drug arrests []

By Frank Main, Jared Rutecki, and Casey Toner, Photo: Pat Nabong/Sun Times, Center for Health Journalism, December 6, 2021 Raymond Galloway, a 48-year-old line cook at a Chicago soul food restaurant, got arrested on the West Side twice this year carrying small amounts of heroin. Both times, the courts quickly tossed out his charges. Cook County’s judicial system, under an unwritten policy that even Cook County’s top prosecutor calls a failure, routinely dismisses minor drug possession cases...

Why child’s play is serious business in early education []

By Karen D'Souza, Photo: Liv Ames/EdSource Today, December 8, 2021 W hen it comes to early childhood education, child’s play may well be serious business. Fun and games bring more than just joy. They may be the key to helping children thrive in tough times, experts say. Since young children don’t often have an opportunity to exercise choice and control, free play can be a liberating experience, nurturing independence and relieving stress. A growing body of research is making the case for...


THE HEALING POWER OF MUSIC by Michael Skinner “ Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.” - Debasish Mridha Music has a profound way of touching us in so many ways. For myself, the power of music has given me great joy, hope and healing. Music has been a lifesaver for me and that is not something I throw around lightly. I would like to share with you how it has affected my life in so many positive ways - I am forever grateful to have the gift of music in my life. Music...

Webinar: Healing Child Suicide Threats Through the Family

The fallout of the global COVID pandemic is accelerating suicide in our children and adolescents. Yet, the treatment for acts or threats of suicide often involves the individual child with little to no active family participation. This is a tactical mistake because suicide is systemic. It is caused or exacerbated by family trauma, family secrets, parent-child conflict, and/or isolation. This free webinar by Dr. Sells is for professionals who want concrete tools to treat both the child and...

Frank Farrow and "Passing the Baton" []

By Guest Author, 12/08/21, “ Passing the Baton ” is a collection of essays assembled by editors Mark Joseph, Frank Farrow, and Leila Fiester and posted on the website of the Washington DC-based Center for the Study of Social Policy . The collection is dedicated to Harold Richman, who committed his life and career to the quest to end poverty and inequality through policy and system changes. Each essay highlights an idea, program, or policy vision that embodies in...

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