Pandemic and ACES Link
[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Jane Stevens] Child Abuse Lugo-Candelas C, Corbeil T, Wall M, et. al. ADHD and risk for subsequent adverse childhood experiences: understanding the cycle of adversity. J...
As 2021 comes to a close, we want to take a few moments to reflect on this busy and fruitful year as we ask you to remember PACEs Connection in your year-end giving. Despite this physically and emotionally challenging time, we have so very much for which to be grateful, and we would love to share our gratitude list with you. When we practice gratitude, we’re actually practicing a very PACEs-Connection thing to do: helping our brains. Brain imaging studies, says Dr. Daniel Amen, show that “...
Dr. Flojaune Cofer is an epidemiologist who wants to improve health and prevent trauma, racism, and inequity in communities throughout California. That’s a big charter, but since 2019, as senior director of policy for Public Health Advocates, she’s making progress with a team focused on public health prevention and restorative justice initiatives. Those initiatives include My Brother’s Keeper, for boys and men of color, and All Children Thrive, which works with 20 cities to prevent youth...
New Innovations to Expand Family Spirit Building on the success of the Center’s Family Spirit early childhood home visiting program, which has been proven over the last 20 years to improve parenting, maternal physical and mental health, and children’s healthy development, we are developing several new innovations to expand the model’s scope and impact. These include new modules focused on: Promoting mothers’ mental health, particularly in the aftermath of COVID Parenting pre-school children...
The California Children’s Trust, in partnership with the National Center for Youth Law , and with guidance and funding from the California Health Care Foundation and Hopelab , is excited to release School Mental Health 101: A Primer for Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans. The goal of the primer is to facilitate effective partnerships between Managed Care Plans (MCPs) and schools to better address the well-documented and growing mental health crisis among school-age youth. California’s $4 billion...
Helping Women Recover 20 Session Program Virtual Training March 1-2 & 8-9, 2022 Dr. Covington’s innovative, evidence-based 20 session program integrates theories of women’s psychological development, trauma, and addiction to meet the needs of women with addictive disorders. For the first time, this virtual training is open to the general public. Space will be limited for this interactive virtual training. Over the past forty years our knowledge of women’s lives has increased...
The Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) of Klingberg Family Centers is seeking to hire several contracted Faculty Trainers for our Risking Connection Trauma Training as adapted for organizations serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). In 2020, TSI, an international leader in the trauma-informed care (TIC) movement, made a decision to offer our training and consultation services in the IDD sector. In 2021, we launched the first-of-its-kind Pilot TIC Learning...
The Annotated Bibliography of Clergy Sexual Abuse and Sexual Boundary Violations in Religious Communities is a comprehensive resource of just about anything and everything that has been published about abuse in religious settings. In September 2021, more than 80 new additions were made to the bibliography which is now 1,890 pages, excluding the introduction. The bibliography is compiled by Rev. James Evinger, a Presbyterian minister who has been involved with cases of sexual boundary...
By Alli Lindenberg, EducationNC, November 29, 2021 I want you to take a moment and check in with your body. How are you feeling? What do you notice? These are the questions that Elijah Sellers and Gabby Taylor want you to ask yourself. In their new podcast, The Resilience Zone, these two students take listeners on a journey of finding resilience through accessible trauma-informed tools. “Sometimes we have to go through heavy hitters, right? And we have to put our minds and our brains under...
By Precious Adesina, Image: Lubaina Himid/Private collection, BBC, November 22, 2021 P ainter Lubaina Himid says her work is not about making something pretty. "I don't expect you to attend a show of mine and go: 'It's very beautiful'. That's not what it is," she tells BBC Culture over a video call. Instead, her paintings are designed to make people think about their relationship to history, and what gets left out of textbooks. Himid is among the most influential black British artists alive...
By Laura Bliss, Photo: Jane Tyska/ Getty Images, Bloomberg City Lab, November 29, 2021 A federal grant program that had become a honeypot for rural highway-building in the Trump years has pivoted in favor of projects for sidewalks, bikes and public transit. In the new tranche of almost $1 billion in RAISE grant selections from the U.S. Department of Transportation announced earlier this month, roads were the losers. RAISE — which stands for Rebuilding American Infrastructure with...
By Amanda Willis and Gaynor Parkin, Photo: Peopleimages/Getty Images, The Guardian, November 29, 2021 C onsider a construction worker who hasn’t slept more than four hours a night for the past week, a software engineer who is battling a persistent cold but keeps working from their home office, and a schoolteacher who worries about their students so shows up each day despite feeling emotionally burned out. What do they have in common? Presenteeism, otherwise known as the act of working while...
Once you understand your Journey to a certain point, you can begin to live each day with a sense of “cohesion” and understand what you do and why you do it. Your choices become more intentional and meaningful.
By Guest Author, 11/30/21, Join us on December 6 th at 3 p.m. EST / 12 pm PST as we discuss what HOPE looks like in communities! Register for HOPE in Communities , the second session in our HOPEful Conversations Workshop series. This session will be an open discussion about using the HOPE Framework and promoting Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) in community settings. Aimee Zeitz from San Diego’s YMCA and Tammie Doebler from Lake of the Woods Prevention...