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Hope in the Face of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

This series has focused on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and how it affects those who live with its symptoms. PTSD is, as we have seen, a life-altering disorder that changes the direction of many people’s lives. In this article, we shall focus on healing strategies and the hope that one can find life despite having post-traumatic stress disorder. A Quick Recap of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Scary and dangerous events cause most humans to feel fear, and this fright sets off a...

What does Thanksgiving Mean to Indigenous Peoples? (

November 18, 2021, Indianapolis Public Library — Many American families gather for Thanksgiving, a day to share food, family memories, and gratitude for both. While the arrival of early settlers and the colonization of North America is part of our shared history as Americans, it is important to learn and remember the full history of colonization and the reality that it included centuries of genocide, the theft of land, and oppression. Indigenous Peoples in America recognize Thanksgiving as a...

Forward: A free Guide for youth and adults impacted by the stigma of Parental Addiction

"Forward: A Free guide to support the Wellbeing of Youth and Adults who have been Impacted by the Stigma of a Parent's Drug or Alcohol use." I am proud to share the release of our new guide: Forward. This guide is intended to increase a youth's understanding of their experiences with a parent's drug or alcohol use while empowering them to use their incredible resilience to move forward with hope and healing.

The ACEs Coalition of WV Releases Five-Part COVID-19 & Kids Issue Brief Series

W. Va .- As we approach the two-year mark of COVID-19’s inception, many are beginning to ask themselves how living through a global pandemic might be affecting us long term. More importantly, how is it affecting our children? The A dverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Coalition of West Virginia (WV) h opes to answer this imperative question and provide the necessary data, resources, and strategies to overcome and prevent adverse effects the COVID-19 pandemic has on children. The Coalition...

A Day to be HOPE-full []

By Guest Author, 11/23/21, As Thanksgiving and the indigenous National Day of Mourning approaches, we are reflecting on both our gratitude for all the good that life offers, and also on the deep-seated social inequities that limit access to the building blocks of HOPE . Over the years, we have heard many stories of the gratitude and excitement people feel when they learn about the HOPE framework. These stories give us hope that more service providers will...

Co-Occurring Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

In previous posts in this series, we have discussed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as though it occurs alone. Unfortunately, thinking that PTSD acts alone would be incorrect. Many other diagnoses that a person with PTSD can have include complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD). This piece will explore what happens when a person suffers from both diagnoses, PTSD and CPTSD, at the same time. The Similarities and the Differences Between PTSD and CPTSD While both PTSD and CPTSD have...

Build Back Better Package Clears House of Representatives

By a vote of 220-213, the $2 trillion Build Back Better bill passed the House of Representatives this morning, November 19. The package now goes to the Senate. For about 8 hours, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy built the case against the bill while Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, said it is "historic, transformative, and bigger than anything we've ever done." For details on what is in the bill including a $2.5 billion grant and technical assistance title relating to community violence and...

How Grateful Are You?

November is a month of Thanksgiving and it’s a time to literally “give thanks” for the bounty in our life. We rejoice in the major highlights but in reality it’s the little micro-moments of joy that give us the strength to carry on. These precious, seemingly insignificant moments can be stored as a resource for us to draw on when times are tough. Life isn’t easy, and this is true for all of us. The immutable value we focus on in the Choose Love Movement is love, but there is another one that...

By Tracing Addiction to Childhood Trauma, Can We Find Compassion? []

By Travis Lupick, Illustration: Frances Murphy, Yes! Magazine, November 15, 2021 “I’ve always been a rebel,” Gabor Maté says in The Wisdom of Trauma , a new documentary about the acclaimed physician’s groundbreaking work in mental health. “In communist Hungary, in grade six, my teacher wrote in my report card that, ‘You should watch it, because he incites the other students.’” Nearly 70 years later, although far from the playground, Maté is still doing exactly what his teacher warned of. He...

Remote work was supposed to help moms in the pandemic. Instead, it hurt them the most. []

By Soo Youn, Illustration: Washington Post/iStock, November 10, 2021 Tuesday was the first day in more than a month that Eileen Funke, 43, had both of her children in school and was feeling well enough herself to get anything done. A Slinky of sickness had uncoiled between her 7-year-old daughter, her 3-year-old son and herself with the colds that have been circulating through her kids’ two schools in Santa Monica, Calif. But things were looking up: Her daughter had just gotten her first...

Funding and Flexibility Would Allow Tribes to Better Adapt to Climate Change []

By Oriya Cohen and Rebecca Marx, Photo: Konoplytska/Shutterstock, Housing Matters, November 17, 2021 Since the founding of this country, the United States government has persecuted tribal communities and forced many to relocate—resulting in the loss of 99 percent of their ancestral land . Today, the areas to which tribes were forcefully relocated are some of the most vulnerable to climate change. Exacerbating these hardships, the federal government has severely underinvested in the housing...

Rescuing our kids from Covid trauma is vital for healing America []

By Nadine Burke Harris, Photo: Bob Minkin, CNN Opinion, November 16, 2021 Now that the Pfizer vaccines have been authorized for emergency use in children ages 5 to 11, I, like so many parents across the US, am breathing a sigh of relief that my little ones can finally be protected against Covid-19. We still have a lot of work to do to ensure we emerge from this pandemic as soon as possible, but as a pediatrician and the Surgeon General of California, I recognize that reining in the virus...

Join CalEndow Live December 9: If We Want To Win! []

CalEndow Live Virtual Programming Presents If We Want to Win: A Latine Vision for a New American Democracy REGISTER TODAY! A Virtual Event Thursday, December 9, 2021 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. PT On December 9, contributors to If We Want to Win will join CalEndow Live to discuss the just-released book’s provocative vision for moving the United States toward a fairer and more inclusive democracy. Editor Diana Campoamor will moderate this virtual conversation, joined by contributors Antonia Hernández,...

Resilient Georgia Twenty-third Edition: Preventing ACEs, Healing Adversity, Promoting Resilience

Aligning Resources Across Georgia To Support Resiliency To Our Resilient Georgia Partners and Stakeholders: First, some announcements: We are incredibly grateful to everyone who attended Resilient Georgia's General Meeting on October 28th with special guests, U.S. Olympian and American Track & Field Champion Kenny Selmon and Storyteller Chrishaunda Lee Perez! Kenny Selmon knows how to overcome hurdles in the race of life. We encourage you to watch the interview if you have not already...

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