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Empowering Children with Resilience: Overcoming Adversity and Emerging Stronger After the COVID-19 Pandemic

As the holiday season comes to a close and life has returned to its pre-pandemic state, it's easy to forget our struggles during the COVID-19 outbreak. Looking back, it's fascinating to think about how we managed to stay indoors for such an extensive period. Although things seem to be back to normal, the lasting impact, particularly on children, remains evident. The loss of parents and caregivers has become a significant concern, with over 229,000 children losing one or both parents, 252,000...

Adopting Trauma-Informed Care in Rural Communities: Lessons from a Community Behavioral Health Partnership in Pennsylvania

Join this upcoming Better Care Playbook webinar, 1/23, 2 – 3:15 pm ET, to learn how a group of counties in rural Pennsylvania is applying trauma-informed care to better serve Medicaid members in 24 counties. The nearly decade-long collaboration across rural primary care and behavioral health care providers focuses on preventing re-traumatization, increasing patient engagement, and reducing unnecessary health care utilization for people with trauma histories. The webinar will explore lessons...

Mitigating Intergenerational Dysfunction Legacy Through Knowledge and Awareness

“ The way a society functions is a reflection of the childrearing practices of that society. Today we reap what we have sown. Despite the well-documented critical nature of early life experiences, we dedicate few resources to this time of life. We do not educate our children about child development, parenting, or the impact of neglect and trauma on children.” — Dr. Bruce D. Perry , Ph.D. & Dr. John Marcellus “It has been said that if child abuse and neglect were to disappear today, the...

You're Invited! January 2024 Events Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

To commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we are featuring our collaborations with local and national partners. These offerings provide you a chance to get involved and to reflect upon the impactful principles championed by Dr. King. We invite you to join us in our journey in pursuit of a more equitable world. Refer to the attached flyer for additional details and registration information!

Is it okay to embrace your messy self?

As we slide into 2024, I want to invite you today to truly consider what would radically change about your life if you were to give yourself permission to be messy? And I'm not talking about dirty dishes, unfolded laundry, or dust that you can write your initials in ;) I'm talking about the same kind of messy that Anne-Marie Marron refers to in her article Permission To Be ‘Messy’ . One of the things I'm constantly exploring with my clients is how we must put to bed the idea that "healed"...

Spreading HOPE through partnerships and collaborations – Year in review []

By Laura Gallant, 12/8/23, Throughout 2023 the HOPE National Resource Center (NRC) has been working hard to spread the HOPE framework and have positive childhood experiences (PCEs) as widely discussed and applied in child- and family-serving sectors as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). It has been a year full of strong partnerships, and a growing community. The work done at the HOPE NRC cannot be successful without the dedicated organizations,...

Educate your communities to Stop CSA.

Husnain, 8, was trapped in the mosque by the religious teacher, and the matter was reported to Children Lifeline Trust by a citizen residing on the same street as the mosque. During the investigation, it was determined that the child had followed his elder brother to the mosque to offer the Friday prayer, and when the Friday prayer was completed, the religious teacher caught him and handed him some chocolates, so he could stay in the mosque and he can try his plan to abuse the 8-year-old...

"How to Handle with Care": A fast read on a best practice your community can use to start helping kids ASAP!

BOOK REVIEW “How to Handle with Care”, a new book by author Wendy Samford, PhD, is step-by-step instruction manual to create — in your community — a best practice that can help end the racially-motivated school-to-prison pipeline one child at a time, and quickly! How? By addressing the trauma of each child individually, with a cross-sector approach to supporting hurting children that has law enforcement working with educators all across the United States. ( ) Simply...

Message from our CEO, Ingrid Cockhren: PACEs Connection has the Tools Communities Need

Click here to make your donation today. PACEs Connection is a social network that recognizes the impact of a wide variety of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in shaping adult behavior and health, and that promotes trauma-informed, healing-centered and resilience-building practices and policies in all families, organizations, systems, and communities. We support communities to accelerate the science of positive and adverse childhood experiences to solve our most intractable problems.

What Is Implicit Bias Training?

What is Implicit Bias? Implicit bias, often described as unconscious bias, refers to the subconscious attitudes, stereotypes, or beliefs that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions toward a specific social group. Bias is rooted in societal and cultural conditioning, and formed through experiences, exposure to media, upbringing, and societal norms. Biases operate involuntarily and without our awareness, shaping our perceptions and judgments, which leads to unintended discrimination...

New Transforming Trauma Episode 121: 2023: The Podcast Year In Review with NARM Training Director Brad Kammer and Host Emily Ruth

On this episode of Transforming Trauma, Emily Ruth, Transforming Trauma Host, and Brad Kammer, NARM Training Director and Transforming Trauma Executive Producer, reflect on podcast highlights over this past year, a season filled with vital voices that inspired and supported us during 2023. Emily Ruth and Brad were thrilled to share the mic with influential NARM Therapists like Monti Pal, Amanda Huffman, Salman Alawadi, and Brian Peter Monson. Conversations traversed a wide range of topics:...

Service Accessibility Through North Carolina’s Medicaid Expansion

On December 1 st , 2023, Medicaid Expansion took place in North Carolina, giving hundreds of thousands of previously ineligible people access to Medicaid Services. Medicaid Expansion has allowed many new families to access Medicaid health services, including adult mental health and substance use services. Benchmarks is piloting the Standardized Assessment Protocol (SAP) project in North Carolina. This project has expanded to In-Home Family Services (IHFS), which is a part of the child...

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