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‘Black Capitalism’ Promised a Better City for Everyone. What Happened? []

By Michael Corkery , the New York Times, September 12, 2021 The Panther Graphics printing plant sits along a row of red brick buildings and empty parking lots on the edge of a circular highway that separates this city’s downtown from a largely Black neighborhood to the north. Nearby, there is a warehouse, a Baptist Church and a billboard that warns “A Shot from A Gun Can’t Be Undone,” a reference to Rochester’s soaring murder rate. Tony Jackson, the owner of Panther Graphics, grew up here,...

A roadrunner stopped at Trump’s border wall in the Ariz. desert. A photographer snapped an award-winning image. []

By Gina Harkins , the Washington Post, September 13, 2021 Alejandro Prieto has spent nearly 16 months camped out near the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, where he has documented the barricade’s effect on bobcats, jaguars, sheep and other animals. He was driving on the U.S. side of the border wall near Naco, Ariz. , about two years ago when a roadrunner darted out of the vegetation. Prieto, a wildlife photographer from Guadalajara, Mexico, grabbed his camera as the speedy bird stopped in...

‘Turning Trauma Into Healing’ Library Employees Receive Special Training As Part Of City’s New Trauma Informed Task Force []

By Annie Rose Ramos , CBS Baltimore, September 8, 2021 Over the summer, library employees received a specific kind of training as the newest members of Baltimore’s Trauma-Informed Task Force. “Baltimore is a city that has experienced an enormous amount of pain,” said Zeke Cohen, Councilman District 1. Turning trauma into healing — the goal of the city’s new Trauma-Informed Task Force. “We are going to become a healing city,” Cohen added. The task force was born out of the Elijah Cummings...

New Philadelphia, Ill., was a formerly enslaved man’s vision for an integrated town []

By Mark Guarino, the Washington Post, September 12, 2021 As a child, Gerald McWorter often listened to his father tell stories about growing up on a farm in New Philadelphia, Ill. But it wasn't until a family reunion in 2005 that he fully understood the significance of his lineage: Everyone he met that day was in some way affected by the story of his great-great-grandfather, a formerly enslaved man from Kentucky who in 1836 became the first Black person in the United States to plat and...

In the face of trauma, Cissy took back her power by actively ‘stalking’ joy ( & note

Evelyn Lewin, a writer for the Sunday Morning Herald in Australia reached out to me last month to write a story about my stalking joy practice. When I told her that I'm not naturally joyful or joy-filled person, thanks to developmental trauma and the impact of ACEs, and how it's a practice I've only come to in the last few several years, I wasn't sure she'd write the story. I was afraid she might not find it (or me) lighthearted enough, might be disappointed that trauma is the back story, or...

Overcoming Emotional Flashbacks with Self-Compassion

Emotional flashbacks take a horrendous toll on those who experience them. To feel like you are in danger with all the emotions that accompany it, fear, anxiety, startle, and a myriad of other feelings without understanding where they are coming from is both frightening and debilitating. This piece will delve deeper into emotional flashbacks and methods to defeat them.

White supremacy, with a tan []

By John Blake , CNN, September 4, 2021 Cutting taxes for the rich helps the poor. There is no such thing as a Republican or a Democratic judge. Climate change is a hoax. Some political myths refuse to die despite all evidence the contrary. Here's another: When White people are no longer a majority, racism will fade and the US " will never be a White country again ." This myth was reinforced recently when the US Census' 2020 report revealed that people who identify as White alone declined for...

Transformative Philanthropy for Racial Justice []

By Crystal Hayling , Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall 2021 In May 2020, a video of a white police officer in Minneapolis kneeling on the neck of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, until he suffocated went viral. I was shook. Shook is not to be confused with shock, which is surprise. White people were shocked. Black people were shook—that deep, existential awareness of our otherness in America. I’ve worked in philanthropy through other catastrophic racial injustices, including the...

Like Washington and Jefferson, he championed liberty. Unlike the founders, he freed his slaves []

By Eliott C. McLaughlin , CNN, September 5, 2021 It was 230 years ago Sunday that Robert Carter III, the patriarch of one of the wealthiest families in Virginia, quietly walked into a Northumberland County courthouse and delivered an airtight legal document announcing his intention to free, or manumit, more than 500 slaves. He titled it the "deed of gift." It was, by far, experts say, the largest liberation of Black people before President Abraham Lincoln signed the District of Columbia...

Child Advocacy Centers Model Strong Skills and Partnerships for Helping Families Within the Child Welfare System []

By Paul S Dilorenzo, for Imprint News, September, 1, 2021 Most of what I write for The Imprint is about family support and primary prevention programming. Like many of my colleagues, I frequently distinguish between “upstream” and the “deep-end” activities of the child welfare system, which is a shortcut description of what we perceive and then, how we function. It serves our purpose for partializing our work. However, I’m sure we would all agree that this might not be the perception of the...

The Philanthropy Roundtable’s CEO Opposes ‘Woke Philanthropy,’ Prompting Some Grant Makers to Flee and Others to Give More []

By Jim Rendon , The Chronicle of Philanthropy, September 8th, 2021 Elise Westhoff, the new leader of the Philanthropy Roundtable, has been on a media blitz in recent months, spreading the gospel of conservative philanthropy and attacking what she says is a wrongheaded rush to fund racial-justice efforts. That has angered some philanthropic leaders, who say her arguments are misguided and she is dragging foundations into America’s toxic culture wars. Some of the group’s 600 donors have left...

Our Back To School Edition with RESILIENCE and Play! []

Our Back To School Edition With RESILIENCE and Play! RESILIENCE on Video On Demand RESILIENCE is now available for streaming directly to individual viewers on Apple TV, Google Play and Vudu. Since its premiere in 2016 at the Sundance Film festival, RESILIENCE has been screened globally, in educational settings, more than 50,000 times. In partnership with many educational, health care, juvenile justice and non-profit organizations, RESILIENCE and Paper Tigers has increased the awareness of...

VA TICNs eNote September 13 2021 []

One of the largest Confederate monuments came down September 8 in Richmond, Virginia . “This city belongs to all of us, not just some of us,” said David Bailey, whose nonprofit organization helps churches with racial reconciliation work. “Now we can try to figure out what’s next. We are creating a new legacy.” September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Resilient Chesterfield is the theme for the Chesterfield Suicide Awareness and Prevention Coalition’s 2021 Suicide Prevention Month...

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