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FREE COVID-19: Anxiety, Depression, Suicide During a Pandemic Live Webinar

Anxiety, depression, and suicide is historically high, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, where our world has changed so drastically. It has left many feeling isolated, fearful, lonely, sad, and unsure of the future. In this live webinar, Dr. Kristin Beasley, Clinical Psychologist, will discuss building a community of support, self-care tips, building resilience in difficult times, healthy communication methods, and more! We are all in this together! Share this time with us! September...

Connect All - updated and formatted guide

I know every moment - the cost of all that we should be addressing, what all could possibly happen that we aren't prepared for, how our lives are connected, how what I'm doing or not doing impacts, could be my last. I don’t want to do “something”, I want to be doing the best thing possible. And as a whole, we need to be trying to make sure, within functionality - We each know why and how to be connected to ourselves, We each know why and how to connect with others, We each know why and how...

Thoughts & Music to Share

Thoughts to share - “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” – Friedrich Nietzsche “The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.” – Carl Jung “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” – Maya Angelou “Stand By Me” – Live performance of “Stand By Me”…a great song and I love to play this tune and give thanks to all of those in my life who have stood by me, through the...

The Human Autonomic Nervous System and Emotional Flashbacks

Emotional flashbacks are troubling and often disabling events that cause a person to experience alarming and crippling bursts of strong emotions. Emotional flashbacks are experienced without the linked visions from the past that accompany average flashbacks. In this article, we shall examine together what is going on in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) of those experiencing emotional flashbacks. What is Trauma? Trauma is a normal response to abnormal situations such as a car accident or...

Trauma-Informed Early Childhood Initiatives [CTIPP] Sept. 15 call. Register now!

CTIPP CAN Call - Trauma-Informed Early Childhood Initiatives - September 15th, 2-3:30pm ET/11am-12:30pm PT - Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 742 183 645 One tap mobile +19292056099,,742183645# US (New York) Please join us for next week's CTIPP CAN Call, which will focus on building mental well-being for infants, toddlers and preschoolers and the adults who care for them. This month's presentation will feature Drs. Kaitlin Mulcahy and Gerry Costa, and Kelly...

60 Seconds With SRQ Strong: ACEs Part 2: How To Prevent ACEs

ACEs Part 2: How To Prevent ACEs Learn more in this week's "60 Seconds with SRQ Strong" update from Ximena. View the Spanish version on our Spanish Facebook, SRQ Strong en español , or view the weekly series on our Spanish Youtube Playlist here: #srqstrong #60secondswithximena #60secondswithsrqstrong #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthmatters #traumainformed #ACEs #sarasotastrong

New Transforming Trauma Episode : Trauma Healing and Spirituality with Dr. Julie Brown Yau

Transforming Trauma Episode 051: Trauma Healing and Spirituality with Dr. Julie Brown Yau In this episode of Transforming Trauma, we welcome Julie Brown Yau, Ph.D. Julie specializes in developmental trauma, intergenerational trauma, and acute trauma, and has a unique perspective on integrating spirituality into trauma healing. She's an author, speaker, and the Trauma and Spiritual Care consultant for Compassionate Care ALS. Her background in psychological, somatic, and spiritual traditions...

Time is Running Out to for PACES Connection Members to Endorse Letter to Congress Supporting the "Resilience for All Act of 2021."

Please join over 50 organizations & 175 professionals that have endorsed the letter. Endorsers range from the American Association of Community Psychiatry, to the Alliance of Nurses for a Healthy Environment, The Prevention Institute, Black Psychiatrists of America, Physicians for Social Responsibility, American Association of Suicidology, and more than 45 other diverse national, regional, and local organizations. Request for Organizational and Individual Endorsements of Letter Below...

AAP Snapshots: Stressors Placed on Families with Children with Special Health Care Needs []

By Guest Author, 9/7/21, Last week, the American Academy of Pediatrics released the fifth snapshot in the Family Snapshots: Life during the Pandemic series. In past blogs , we discussed the results of the survey that the HOPE team, in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics , Prevent Child Abuse America , and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) , conducted using the national online platform . This survey asked a national...

Join Us for Standing Strong Conference- Mon, Sept. 13- Wed, Sept. 15

In less than a week, parents and caregivers for children impacted by early childhood trauma will be learning and supported at the Standing Strong Virtual Conference - Sept 13-15, 2021, hosted by the Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc. (ATN) . This 3-day event is focused on helping those caring for children with developmental trauma, complex PTSD and attachment challenges learn advocacy strategies and focus on their own care/burnout needs now that their children are back in school. Speakers...

Managing Emotional Flashbacks

Survivors experiencing emotional flashbacks are stranded in the feelings of being in danger, hopelessness, and helplessness that they felt in the actual traumatic events. If, for example, the survivor as a child was physically traumatized, they certainly would have felt anger, rage, and hopelessness at the same time. However, since they were only a helpless child, they could not escape or change their situation.

A Lost Girl's Journey: Discovering I Am Autistic in Adulthood

You can also read this post on Rise to Resilience . A special thanks to the Center for Optimal Brain Integration for inviting me to write about my story and originally publishing this post on their website here ! “It’s been validating to learn that I’m autistic,” I said to my therapist. “Can I offer a way to reframe that?” I knew what was coming. “Sure!” Commence a well-intentioned suggestion of thinking of myself as having autism. I wasn’t upset, knowing my therapist’s training had all made...

I Am Not the Vengeful Woman []

I’m a survivor of Harvey Weinstein. There’s a question I’d like people to stop asking me. BY LOUISE GODBOLD AUG 23, 2021 5:45 AM Last month, Harvey Weinstein was in the news again following his extradition to Los Angeles , where he faces additional charges of sexual assault. I am a Weinstein survivor. My case falls outside the statute of limitations and therefore will never be prosecuted. But because I have been public about my experience—and also because I have made a career of training and...

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