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Join us for an Introduction to Using Theatre for Social Change | A Virtual Workshop with Megan Nimigon []

Are you struggling with building trust, empathy and engagement in your community project? Are you looking for new ways to uncover and uplift the voices of people with lived experience in your work? In our upcoming virtual workshop, Introduction to Using Theatre for Social Change , we are shining the light on how theatre can be an effective tool to explore the issue you're working on in a new way and bring people together in a way that is fun, engaging and gets results fast. Join us on...

Critical Psychiatrists Argue for Decolonizing Medical Curricula in Psychiatry []

By Zenobia Morrill, Mad in America, August 3, 2021 “Colonial thinking runs deep in psychiatry” is the premise of a new open access paper that was just released in Anthropology and Medicine. A group of psychiatrists from the Critical Psychiatry Network (CPN) argue that decolonizing the field requires genuinely confronting and rooting out the racist assumptions at its core. The team, led by psychiatrist Pat Bracken , propose critical thinking strategies for decolonizing psychiatric curricula...

The Toll on Children's Health during COVID-19 []

By Eric Moskowitz, Bostonia, July 28, 2021 Near the end of the strangest school year of her life, Julia, a Newton North High School freshman, found herself scrolling an Instagram feed full of her friends posting COVID-vaccine selfies. Some boasted that they felt like superheroes, newly powerful. One said she could finally exhale, calling it her “first deep breath” in over a year. Neither captured what Julia was feeling as she worked up the nerve to get her first shot. “I was really nervous...

Discovering the Wisdom of Trauma Special Announcement []

Many of you joined us for The Wisdom of Trauma film premiere and have asked us how to continue the work on healing trauma. Join us for this special 4-day live online interactive workshop with Dr. Gabor Maté and Betsy Polatin where we discover the wisdom of our wounds in leading us back to wholeness. Trauma shapes our lives. It shapes the way we live, the way we love and the way we make sense of the world. It is at the root of our deepest wounds. Virtually all our afflictions, mental...

Los estudiantes estadounidenses pueden regresar a la escuela de manera segura. Estas son las formas de hacerlo, dice una experta []

By Madeline Holcombe, CNN Español, 17 Agosto, 2021 Los brotes de covid-19 a principios del año escolar han enviado a muchos estudiantes nuevamente a la cuarentena, pero los expertos en salud dicen que la convulsión académica se puede abordar si más líderes locales se suman al uso de mascarillas en las aulas. Los expertos han delineado las formas más seguras de mantener las escuelas abiertas y libres de brotes, dijo el lunes la Dra. Leana Wen, analista médica de CNN. Si los estudiantes van a...

Native American population jumps to largest size in modern history []

By Russell Contreras, Axios, August 13, 2021 The number of people who identify as Native American or Alaska Native alone grew by 27.1% to 3.7 million people over the last decade, according to the U.S. Census. Why it matter: The spike in the number of people who solely identify as Native American or Alaska Native mirrors the steady rise of the population since 1890, when Indigenous people were nearly wiped out in the U.S. The Native American population was reduced to fewer than 250,000 people...

America is full of 'democracy deserts'. Wisconsin rivals Congo on some metrics []

By David Daley and Gaby Goldstein, The Guardian, August 13, 2021 T he United States is becoming a land filled with “democracy deserts” , where gerrymandering and voting restrictions are making voters powerless to make change. And this round of redistricting could make things even worse. Since 2012, the Electoral Integrity Project at Harvard University has studied the quality of elections worldwide . It has also issued biannual reports that grade US states, on a scale of 1 through 100. In its...

Children's mental health badly harmed by pandemic. Therapy is hard to find. []

By Katherine Ellison, The Washington Post, August 14, 2021 From June of last year to late this past spring, an average of five children a week were being admitted to the medical school’s teaching hospital at East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C., after overdosing on medications such as acetaminophen, opiates, antidepressants and even Ritalin. John Diamond and his colleagues had never seen anything like it. “Normally,” he says, “we see five kids a month.” Diamond, director of the...

Pandemic Pressure Increase Incidence of Postpartum Depression []

By Heather Tirado Gilligan, California Health Care Foundation, August 9, 2021 Throughout her pregnancy, Altagracia Mejía was nagged by feelings of anxiety and depression. Mejía, who lives in the Panorama City neighborhood of Los Angeles, gave birth to her daughter Alexa in September 2020. Within two months, the new mother’s feelings shifted to thoughts of suicide. “In my most lucid moments, I ask myself over and over again what is happening to me ,” Mejía told Los Angeles Times reporter...

A Fight To Expose The Hidden Human Costs Of Incarceration []

By Eyal Press, The New Yorker, August 16, 2021 I n July, 2016, thousands of demonstrators gathered in Baton Rouge to protest the death of Alton Sterling , a Black man who was shot by a police officer after being pinned to the ground outside a convenience store, where he had been selling compact disks. Although the protests were largely peaceful, officers in full riot gear dispersed the crowds and made more than a hundred and fifty arrests. A coalition of advocates, including the A.C.L.U. of...

Dear Gannett: Great start! Now go the distance.

“ Gannett launches a network-wide push to rework its crime coverage .” It’s about damn time. We advocated this more than 20 years ago, and we go a LOT further in our suggestions to make crime reporting more relevant, less racist and more useful to communities. Berkeley Media Studies Group , a public health research organization, launched the Reporting on Violence project throughout California in 1997 and expanded it to interested newsrooms across the U.S. in 2001. The second edition of “The...

VA TICNs eNote August 16 2021 []

For the first time, state general funds are being allocated to the VA TICNs! " $1,000,000 [of American Rescue Plan funds] to the Department of Social Services for the Virginia Trauma-Informed Community Network (TICN) to provide a community awareness campaign, education, professional development, mini grants, and other initiatives to support existing networks. " We will continue to share information about this exciting news as we receive it! The website for Virginia's 2nd annual Racial Truth...

California ACES Academy | On Demand webinars available! []

View Free On-Demand (CC) webinars from CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY, a grantee of ACEsAware, is a collaboration of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) , the Academy on Violence and Abuse (AVA) , the California Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (CAPSAC) , and the Center for Innovation and Resources, Inc. (CIR) working to support California's ACEsAware initiative . The CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY webinar series aspires to educate...

Connect: An attachment based program for parents and caregivers []

What is Connect? Adolescence is a remarkable developmental period, in which children are transformed neurobiologically, cognitively and interpersonally as they prepare for adult roles and relationships. The confluence of these diverse changes makes adolescence a “sensitive” developmental period, where vulnerability increases but opportunities for growth are also heightened Developed by Marlene Moretti, Professor and Canada Research Chair, in collaboration with government stakeholders and...

Request for organizational & individual endorsements for the "Resilience for All Act of 2021" []

*For Mental Health, Human Services, Disaster Management, Climate Change, Faith, and Other Community Leaders, and Elected Officials Click here for a copy of the "Resilience for All Act of 2021" Click here to have your organization sign this letter Click here to personally sign this letter Deadline for signing the letter is September 30, 2021

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