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California Wants to Expand Access to Mental Health Care for Children []

By Jeremy Loudenback, The Imprint, July 29, 2021 Under a sweeping plan created by California’s health agency, the state has proposed solutions to longstanding challenges for low-income parents that include improved access to an array of pediatric mental health services — before children reach a crisis state. Current state policy requires a diagnosis for clinicians in California to treat a child receiving Medi-Cal, the state’s version of Medicaid. For children with complex mental health...

New Staff and HOPE Team Retreat []

By the HOPE Team, 8/5/21, This past week, the HOPE team had our first in-person staff retreat! We treasured the opportunity to come together, discuss our work, and even have the chance to meet some of our newest staff members face-to-face. Join us in welcoming these wonderful additions to HOPE! Isabella Pagnozzi, MSM - Isabella started with HOPE in June as an administrative assistant. She received her Master's degree in Business Management, focusing on project...

Gun Violence Researchers Are Making Up for 20 Years of Lost Time []

By Alicia Ault, JAMA Network, August 4, 2021 D epending on who you ask, the end of a 2-decade dry spell in federal funding for gun violence research is a windfall or a pittance. Either way, experts in the field say that renewed funding is especially urgent now, as the US heads into a second year of record firearm-related violence. By late July, the Gun Violence Archive reported 25 370 US firearm deaths in 2021, putting the year on track to surpass last year’s 43 559 deaths. US Centers for...

2021 AVA Global Health Virtual Summit October 21-22 []

“Imperfect Storm: Lessons Learned from a Traumatic Year" The 2021 Global Health Virutal Summit on Violence and Abuse provides a collegial environment for participants to have a virtual front row seat to the latest science and practice in violence and abuse treatment and prevention from a very traumatic 2020. Last year, our world experienced trauma in many areas such as racism, a pandemic, political unrest, human trafficking, and more. This year's summit encourages lessons learned to foster a...

Join Us For Conversations With Evey & Elizabeth

Join us Monday, August 9, 2021, at 6:00 pm central time via Zoom for Conversations With Evey & Elizabeth!! Cost: Donation This week we have a special guest, Dr. Gregory Williams, who will bring us through his story and add to great conversations! About Dr. Gregory Williams: My name is Dr. Gregory Williams and I am on the Senior Leadership Team at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas. I authored a book...

Are You Feeling “Good Enough”?

If you were raised in a trauma filled home, you may have grown up not knowing how you fit into the world. Some days you may feel that you do not belong on planet earth and that you were a mistake. This series is dedicated to the fact that you do belong and are certainly good enough and deserving of all the love and attention deserved by every human being. What Does it Mean to Feel Good Enough? Feeling good enough sounds like such a foreign concept to those who are survivors of childhood...

Thoughts on Critical race theory

To start this off i am to all outward appearances an American, white Male. Recent stories and attention to Critical Race Theory have been troubling to digest. I do not mean to suggest we should stop these conversation, or that we should ignore any Racial traumas or Inequalities that many minorities face in the world. That being said i am also a veteran and and a social worker and this sets upsets up some cognitive dissidence. This was something i was mostly able to ignore till i read a...

Invitation to Participate (in Pennsylvania): Attitudes Regarding Trauma-Informed Care Survey

Invitation to Participate The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) invites individuals to participate in the Attitudes Towards Trauma-Informed Care (ARTIC) Survey. Prospective participants are individuals who provide clinical direction or clinical supervision to staff who occasionally provide behavioral or mental health services to children ages 0 through 8 and their families. To register as a participant and/or to learn...

Seven Ways to Fight Bias in Your Everyday Life []

By Dolly Chugh, Greater Good Magazine, August 3, 2021 When Tamir Rice, a young boy not much older than my own children, was shot by police and killed while playing with a toy gun, I finally felt like I had to get involved in the Black Lives Matter movement. I had never identified as a protester and had never been to a protest, but I knew it was time to go from just watching on social media to actually showing up. I rallied together my husband and some friends for a Black Lives Matter protest...

If You Paid Your Debt to Society, You Should Be Allowed to Work []

By Jamie Dimon,The New York Times, August 4, 2021 One in three American adults — more than 70 million people — have some type of criminal record . To put this in perspective, about the same number of Americans have college degrees right now. Unfortunately, these Americans, who were incarcerated or have a conviction on their record, are essentially unable to secure good jobs in this country. Nearly half of formerly incarcerated people are unemployed one year after leaving prison. That is a...

Collaboration of Grantmakers Commit to Addressing Kentucky’s High Rate of Childhood Adversity

Collaboration of Grantmakers Commit to Addressing Kentucky’s High Rate of Childhood Adversity Launches Statewide Initiative Named Bloom Kentucky LOUISVILLE, Kentucky – A collaboration of dedicated grantmaking organizations from across Kentucky gathered today in celebration of the launch of Bloom Kentucky, an initiative focused on statewide policy change that aims to prevent and mitigate the impact of childhood adversity. "Bloom Kentucky is a first-of-its-kind collaborative effort supported...

The pandemic laid bare existing inequalities. California's kids felt the pain. []

By Jocelyn Wiener, Cal Matters, June 30, 2021 On a breezy late May afternoon, members of Madison Park Academy’s senior class donned shimmery white gowns and tasseled caps decorated with fabric flowers and celebratory messages. For most, it was the first and last time in more than a year they had set foot on their East Oakland campus. Among them stood Eduardo Mendoza Miguel, a Guatemalan immigrant who spent the past year practicing his English watching Youtube and TikTok videos, and struggled...

CalEndow Live Presents Maria Hinojosa, August 25. REGISTER TODAY! []

CalEndow Live Virtual Programming Presents Maria Hinojosa Storytelling for Impact A Virtual Event Wednesday, August 25 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Pacific Join CalEndow Live in conversation with media trailblazer Maria Hinojosa about lifting community voices and crafting stories that make a difference. Maria has hosted Latino USA on National Public Radio for nearly 20 years and created The Futuro Media Group in 2010 to harness the power of independent and community-based journalists. Maria will share...

From Crime to Care — On the Front Lines of Decarceration []

By Nathaniel P. Morris, The New England Journal of Medicine, July 29, 2021 When I became a physician, I was not expecting to learn so much about ankle monitors. Over the past few years, I have worked in clinics caring for patients with mental disorders, substance use disorders, or both, many of whom remain under criminal justice supervision in the community after arrest or incarceration. Some of these devices have Global Positioning System capabilities, allowing law enforcement officers to...

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