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Connection is Protection: Improving our Grade

Our hats are off to the Okahoman for its expanded offering of thought-provoking articles including Grading Oklahoma. The full-page article in the Sunday July 18 th issue gave rise to hope that our state is once again ready to look at our shortcomings and change our priorities and policies to realize the potential of our people. Of specific focus for the Potts Family Foundation, is the health and well-being of our youngest citizens. To achieve positive change - moving from the bottom ten...

How to Improve Your Emotional Wellness.

August 3, 2021 Being emotionally well does not mean you cannot have bad days. Of course, you may. However, a good portion of the time, emotionally well, people keep it together. This article will focus on tying up loose ends in our discussion and examining how you can improve your emotional wellness. Feeling Emotionally Well The definition of emotional wellness says it all when it states it is the ability to handle life’s stresses and adapt to them successfully. Your emotional wellness can...

School meals should remain free for all children — today and always []

By Richard E. Besser and Jamie Bussel, The Hill, July 28, 2021 All schools participating in our nation’s school meals programs may serve free meals to all students for the upcoming school year, not just to those qualifying via family income. Known as universal school meals , this one-year expansion is a product and recognition of the economic and social upheaval caused by COVID-19. But the value of good nutrition to children, families and schools is long-term and profound. Universal school...

This Is Our Chance to Pull Teenagers Out of the Smartphone Trap []

By Jonathan Haidt and Jean M. Twenge, The New York Times, July 31, 2021 As students return to school in the coming weeks, there will be close attention to their mental health. Many problems will be attributed to the Covid pandemic, but in fact we need to look back further, to 2012. That’s when rates of teenage depression, loneliness, self-harm and suicide began to rise sharply. By 2019, just before the pandemic, rates of depression among adolescents had nearly doubled . When we first started...

A Watershed Moment: How Boston's Charles River Went From Polluted to Pristine []

By Derrick Z. Jackson, Inside Climate News, July 25, 2021 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan officially announced earlier this month that the Biden administration will reinterpret the Trump administration’s definition of what constitutes “waters of the United States”—waterways that are deserving of federal protection. The Trump definition was actually a reinterpretation (or rejection) of what the Obama administration delineated as waters worthy of federal...

The first Black woman to run St. Louis is shaking up the city with a war on normal []

By Griff Witte, The Washington Post, July 30, 2021 It was Juneteenth weekend in St. Louis, and the new mayor was leading the celebrations: She hopscotched from cookouts to charity runs, grooved to classic R&B songs and proclaimed that her city would be among the nation's first to pay reparations to the descendants of enslaved people. Two weeks later, Tishaura Jones spent a quiet weekend with her family. In the process, she became the first St. Louis mayor in decades to skip the city’s...

How to raise a boy: my mission to bring up a son fit for the 21st century []

By Tom Lamont, The Guardian, August 1, 2021 M y little son has a gang he roots for. All boys, dudes everywhere – they’re his gang. I figured this out, recently, when we sat down to watch the Grand National. He’d picked a horse in the family sweepstake and his choice was out in front for most of the race. When it fell back, out of contention, my son paled a bit. Possibly he’d already spent the sweepstake winnings in his head (on stickers, sweets, toy balls) but he took the disappointment...

Beasley: How and Why Father Engagement Matters

Father figure involvement in parenting is associated with better outcomes for children, including better social-emotional, behavioral and psychological outcomes and improved academic performance. Although home visiting (HV) programs have traditionally focused on pregnant women and first-time mothers, fathers can also benefit from these parenting supports. However, engaging fathers in HV programs presents unique challenges. Young fathers may have relationship instability, logistical obstacles...

ACEs in the Tokyo Olympics: Simone Biles Has A Heart of Gold and Opens Up Healthy Conversations on Mental Health

PACEsConnection, ACEs, Stress, Simone Biles, Tokyo Olympics Discussed Today from San Diego on Sunday, August 1st, 2021 How can Olympic Athletes, including Simone Biles go from not getting the Gold to Being a Gold Medal Winner for people all around the world in 1 day that will continue to help for many generations? Potential Nobel Peace Prize candidate? She and you can learn how to Relish.Life today at or watch the TV show now:...

Welcome to PACEs Connection!

 Thanks for joining the movement to prevent PACEs, heal trauma, and build resilience!     Now that you're a member, what do you get ? You'll receive a Daily Digest with the latest PACEs, trauma, and resilience-related news, reports,...

A multi-level health resilience program addressed to Youth Substance abusers

Youth Resilience U Mentoring program is pleased to present a multi-level health resilience program to address substance abuse among farmworker families’ youth and farmworker youth. The program includes life skill training for the participants as well as counseling sessions. Also, each participant will be matched with mentors that will be, for the most part, former substance abusers. They will be in either one-on-one or group mentoring depending on their comfortability level. While one-on-one...

Juvenile Justice Video Explains Ways to Elevate Care for Youth in Custody []

By The Annie E. Casey Foundation, July 26, 2021 A short video produced by the Annie E. Casey Foundation identifies eight principles that every juvenile justice system should embrace right now to transform care for youth in custody. These principles are designed to help all young people realize their potential — regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, neighborhood or personal history. The video introduces ways that jurisdictions can immediately and meaningfully elevate the standard of...

Join Us For Conversations With Evey & Elizabeth - 8/2/2021 at 6:00pm Central

Join Us Monday, August 2, 2021, at 6:00 pm Central Time!! Conversations With Evey & Elizabeth Join us for another great evening of comfortable conversations on uncomfortable topics! This week on Conversations With Evey & Elizabeth we will be having a great discussion with special guest Carolyn Rich Curtis, Ph.D. Topic: Mind Matters: Overcoming adversity and building resilience for survivors of childhood sexual abuse and trauma. About the Guest Speaker: Carolyn Rich Curtis, Ph.D. is a...

What It Looks Like to Reconnect Black Communities Torn Apart by Highways []

By Rachael Dottle, Laura Bliss, and Pablo Robles, Bloomberg City Lab, July 28, 2021 Take any major American city and you’re likely to find a historically Black neighborhood demolished, gashed in two, or cut off from the rest of the city by a highway. This legacy of racist federal transportation policies continues to define the landscapes of urban spaces. Highways like Rondo’s were part of a nationwide effort to build the interstate highway system, sometimes in concert with federal urban...

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