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Transforming Our Tomorrow: 2021 Prevent Child Abuse America National Conference []

From Prevent Child Abuse America, July 2021 In this time of widespread change, we are acutely aware of the need for ongoing growth—for ourselves, our organizations, and our communities. The choices we make and actions we take today inform how we all will flourish in the days and years to come. Join us for “Transforming Our Tomorrow: 2021 Prevent Child Abuse America Virtual Conference,” three days of learning and discovery, where we’ll continue to explore the needs of our communities and the...

Opinion: We're making the wrong argument for a four-day workweek []

By Christine Emba, The Washington Post, July 7, 2021 Workers sang that song in the 1880s, protesting for an eight-hour workday at a time when the average was more like 12. They achieved that goal. But more than 100 years later, we’re still singing the same song. Today, it’s the four-day workweek that’s gone from fringe idea to pragmatic policy consideration. Japan is recommending it in its economic policy guidelines. Iceland instituted a trial program that went swimmingly. And Spain is...

Social isolation in the U.S. rose even as the Covid crisis began to subside, new research []

By Reed Abelson, The New York Times, July 8, 2021 Many Americans felt socially isolated during the pandemic, cut off from friends and family as they hunkered down and kept their distance to try to protect themselves from infection. But new research released Thursday suggests many people’s sense of isolation increased even as the public health crisis in the United States began to abate, with communities opening up and the economy improving. While the level of social isolation declined during...

Report for America sustainability report offers hope as communities pitch in to save local news []

By Sam Kille, Report for America, March 3, 2021 Report for America today released Local News Philanthropy: Strong Signs of Positive Movement , a report on local sustainability and development efforts by the nonprofit program’s newsroom partners in 2020. The report underscores the fact that the demand by communities for local news is healthy—it’s the industry’s business model that must change. “It’s time for local newsrooms to view philanthropy not so much as charity, but as a vital revenue...

What We Learned About Human Behavior from the Pandemic []

By Stephen Reicher, Greater Good Magazine, July 7, 2021 During the pandemic, a lot of assumptions were made about how people behave. Many of those assumptions were wrong, and they led to disastrous policies. Several governments worried that their pandemic restrictions would quickly lead to “behavioral fatigue” so that people would stop adhering to restrictions. In the U.K., the prime minister’s former chief adviser Dominic Cummings recently admitted that this was the reason for not locking...

'This Isn't a Dying Coal Town,' It's a West Virginia Community Rethinking Health Care and Succeeding []

By Taylor Sisk, 100 Days in Appalachia, July 1, 2021 In his history of Williamson, West Virginia, Okey P. Keadle – a member of Williamson High School’s inaugural, 1918, graduating class – describes the fire of 1906 that destroyed some 20 downtown buildings. In the long run, Keadle writes, “as is usually the case in such instances, the result was beneficial to the city for it removed all the old buildings on that street and gave room for new ones to be built.” Keadle’s positive spin on what...

National Campaign to Raise Awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Gains Momentum and Reach []

From Office of the California Surgeon General, July 8, 2021 LAGUNA HILLS, Calif. , July 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- A national awareness campaign on the prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the negative physical and mental health impacts that can result from them is swiftly capturing widespread public attention. Since a mid-May launch, more than 150,000 visitors have learned about ACEs through . ACEs are potentially traumatic events that occur before the age of...

This is an essential time to invest in prevention. Locales are showing the way. []

From Prevention Institute, July 7, 2021 All people deserve to be safe and to live in safe places. Tragically, conditions exacerbated by the pandemic resulted in an ongoing surge of violence, disproportionately impacting Black and Brown communities. Over the three-day weekend, there were more than 500 shootings across the country, leaving nearly 200 people dead and over 550 injured, according to the Gun Violence Archive . With increases that typically occur during the summer, we’re concerned...

Camden Coalition receives support from state to continue Housing First program and its work as a Regional Health Hub []

From Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, July 8, 2021 The Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers will receive over $1M in funding to support its Housing First initiative and its work as a Regional Health Hub in South Jersey. This funding comes as a result of the 2022 fiscal year budget signed by New Jersey governor Phil Murphy on June 21, 2021. Launched in 2015, the Camden Coalition’s Housing First initiative provides safe, dignified housing to frequently hospitalized and...

Watch Camila Cabello & CA Surgeon Discuss the 'Public Health Crisis' of Childhood Trauma []

By Katie Atkinson, Billboard, June 11, 2021 Camila Cabello sat down with Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, the surgeon general of California, to have a video conversation about how the negative effects of childhood trauma can affect someone's physical and mental health into adulthood. The chat is part of a national campaign to educate Americans about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) -- defined as highly stressful experiences that can happen to any of us before we turn 18 -- and how they impact...

FFTA 35th Annual Conference on Treatment Family Care (virtual) August 4-5, 2021

Join nearly 1,000 child welfare professionals at the only international conference on treatment family care. Explore strategies and innovations that are being used to deliver effective family focused treatment services in bio, kinship, foster and adoptive homes. The program’s 60 workshops, micro sessions and keynotes will support your professional development in the areas of clinical interventions, leadership, program development, evaluation, resource family training & support, and more.

Learn How to Start a PACEs Initiative in Your Community - Live Zoom Event: Monday July 12 at 1pm PDT

Join us! Starting a PACEs Initiative in Your Community Live Zoom Meeting Monday, July 12, 2021 1:00 - 1:45 PM PDT Click here to register. In this talk I'll discuss: What a PACEs Initiative is Where to find an initiative that might already exist in your community Finding the resources you need: speakers, film screenings, PACEs science presentations and more An overview of our website community pages and how to use them What being a Community Manager entails Some examples of successful PACEs...

How to Find the Therapist that is Right for You.

July 8, 2021 There are thousands of therapists in the United States and, unless you live in a rural area, many for you to choose from. Yet, finding a therapist that is a good fit, especially one who treats complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), can be a daunting task. Asking questions and vetting a therapist for your healing journey requires you to ask many questions. Knowing what qualities to search for in a therapist is also vital. This article will seek to answer some of the...

The Lisa Project

Last week I attended the Lisa Project in Stockton Ca. and it was an interesting and indelible experience. From a person with lived experiences of ACEs and childhood trauma, I would say it was both visceral and real as well as informing and educational. Check out the Lisa Project…

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