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Her Family Owned Slaves. How Can She Make Amends? []

By Kim Severson, The New York Times, July 4, 2021 Just before people started to take the pandemic seriously, Stacie Marshall slipped into the back of a conference room in Athens, Ga., and joined two dozen Black farmers in a marketing seminar called “Collards Aren’t the New Kale.” She stood out, and not just because she was one of only two white people in the room. Ms. Marshall, 41, still had the long blond hair and good looks that won her the Miss Chattooga County title in 1998. The win came...

Summer 2021 Student Interns: Welcome to HOPE! []

This summer, the HOPE team welcomes several talented students to assist us with our many projects and presentations. Each one of them adds their unique perspective and expertise to our team, and brings a hardworking, equity-focused mindset that directly represents HOPE in action. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with each and every one of them! We asked each of them to introduce themselves to our readers. Sydney Grob I was born and raised in a small town outside of Denver,...

Iceland tested a 4-day workweek. Employees were productive — and happier, researchers say []

By Paulina Villegas and Hannah Knowles, The Washington Post, July 7, 2021 Several large-scale trials of a four-day workweek in Iceland were an “overwhelming success,” with many workers shifting to shorter hours without affecting their productivity, and in some cases improving it, in what researchers called “groundbreaking evidence for the efficacy of working time reduction.” Some of the trials’ key findings showed that a shorter week translated into increased well-being of employees among a...

The U.S. Transportation Department's Quest to Become a Driver of Justice []

By Laura Bliss and Hadriana Lowenkron, Bloomberg City Lab + Equality, July 1, 2021 U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has spoken often about the injustices created by federal highways built over the last 70 years, raising interest in the idea of tearing some of them down. “It’s disproportionately Black and brown neighborhoods that were divided by highway projects plowing through them because they didn’t have the political capital to resist,” then secretary-nominee Buttigieg told...

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo declares gun violence emergency in his state []

By Artemis Moshtaghian and Steve Almasy, CNN US, July 6, 2021 New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Tuesday he had signed an executive order declaring a gun violence emergency and told an audience in New York City he was going to sign legislation that allows for civil lawsuits against gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers for how they market and sell firearms. The new law would close what he said was a "Trump-backed federal loophole" that allowed people with active warrants to purchase...

A harvest for the world: A Black family farm is fighting racism in agriculture and climate change []

By Darryl Fears, The Washington Post, June 28, 2021 A heavy snow was falling here in the Taconic Mountain Range outside Albany when Leah Penniman moved to the farm she bought with her husband. It was the day after Christmas, Penniman recalled, “and I cried.” They were not tears of joy. Penniman was having second thoughts. “I was, like, can we just stay in Albany?” Her family had left that city’s impoverished South End community because it was a food desert — devoid of grocery stores with...

Inviting youth to lead []

By Cecily Sailer and Kelly West, Resolve Magazine, July 1, 2021 Karen Evans is executive director of the New Orleans Children and Youth Planning Board (CYPB), a coalition of adults and youth who work together to improve outcomes for children and youth in New Orleans Parish. Evans left a career in corporate training and development to work in child welfare, helping develop family centers in public schools and assisting nonprofits refining their programs to meet children and family’s needs.

EmpowerSurvivors Nonprofit is looking for speakers!

Good morning, I am the director of EmpowerSurvivors ( ) which is a nonprofit located in Stillwater, MN that serves survivors of childhood sexual abuse through peer support groups, programs, and classes. We are currently looking for volunteer mental health professionals, holistic health providers, drug and alcohol counselors, psychiatrists, advocates, survivors of childhood sexual abuse, etc to come to be our guests on our Monday evening Zoom program, Conversations...

New Transforming Trauma Podcast: NARM Inner Circle Presents: Working with Anxiety, Anger and Rage with Dr. Laurence Heller and Brad Kammer

Transforming Trauma Episode 46: NARM Inner Circle Presents: Working with Anxiety, Anger and Rage with Dr. Laurence Heller and Brad Kammer In this special episode of Transforming Trauma, the NARM Training Institute presents a summertime gift to Transforming Trauma listeners: a special topic webinar from the NARM Inner Circle online program. This webinar provides a window into the Inner Circle learning community where helping professionals from around the world come together to learn more...

What happens to you when you play with your kids []

By Elissa Strauss, CNN Health, July 5, 2021 I'll begin with a confession. Or maybe it's a warning. I like playing with my kids. I don't play with them every day, nor, consistently, every week. But when I do play with them things happen in my brain and body, positive things that counter the oppressive rigidity and repetition of adult life. This happens through all kinds of play, including family-wide games of charades, pretending plants can talk and impromptu lip-sync and dance parties.

How Does the Legacy of Housing Discrimination Affect Food Access? []

By Richard C. Sadler, Usama Bilal, and C. Debra Furr-Holden, Housing Matters, June 30, 2021 Research shows the legacy of housing discrimination influences not only where people of color live, but also investments in neighborhood food systems, such as supermarkets. This pattern—sometimes called supermarket redlining—hinders access to healthy food options and perpetuates inequitable health outcomes. This study explores the connection between supermarket redlining and housing discrimination in...

As the US Pursues Clean Energy and the Climate Goals of the Paris Agreement, Communities Dependent on the Fossil Fuel Economy Look for a Just Transition []

By Judy Fahys, Inside Climate News, June 28, 2021 Perhaps the proudest achievement of Michael Kourianos’ first term as mayor of Price, Utah was helping to make the local university hub the state’s first to run entirely on clean energy. It’s a curious position for the son, brother and grandchild of coal miners who’s worked in local coal-fired power plants for 42 years. Kourianos sees big changes on the horizon brought by shifts in world energy markets and customer demands, as well as in...

Lawyer Calls SCOTUS Decision Backing Tribal Police Authority A Victory []

By Sarah McCammon, National Public Radio, July 4, 2021 NPR's Sarah McCammon speaks to attorney Mary Kathryn Nagle about how a recent Supreme Court decision could affect the policing of crimes on reservations, especially violence against women. SARAH MCCAMMON, HOST: The Supreme Court just wrapped up its most recent term, and among the many cases decided, we wanted to focus on one that involves the rights of Native American tribes. In the United States v. Cooley, the court ruled that tribal...

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