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PCA-NJ to host screening of Spare the Child documentary on 7/21/21

Prevent Child Abuse - New Jersey (PCA-NJ) is excited to host a screening for the recently released documentary Spare the Child. Featuring PCA-NJ Board Member Reverend Dr. Darrell Armstrong, the film discusses the dangers of corporal punishment and reveals the lifelong impact of ‘spanking’ on the child’s body, brain, and psyche. A panel discussion will follow featuring Reverend Armstrong and Dr. Bart Klika from Prevent Child Abuse America to discuss the harmful effects of spanking.

Every Child Matters: Podcast recording with Dr. Cindy Blackstock

Listen to Episode 5 of the Rise Resilient Podcast with Dr. Cindy Blackstock : Agnes is honoured to be able to have a conversation with Dr. Cindy Blackstock who is the executive director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada which stands with First Nations children, youth and families so they have equitable opportunities to grow up safely at home, be healthy, get a good education and be proud of who they are. In...

Wrestling Ghosts & Parenting with ACEs Discussion on 6/15/21 at 7p.m. EST

Join Wrestling Ghosts Director, Ana Joanes, and the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival cosponsors for a discussion about Parenting with ACEs on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, at 7 p.m. EST. Please go here to pre-register for the Zoom follow-up film discussion. Here's one of my favorite scenes from Wrestling Ghosts where the author of Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology and How You Can Heal, Donna Jackson Nakazawa, explains how and why early trauma impacts...

Associations of Race/Ethnicity and Food Insecurity With COVID-19 Infection Rates Across US Counties []

By Mumbi E. Kimani, Mare Sarr, Yendelela Cuffee, et al., JAMA Network Open, June 8, 2021 Key Points Question Are racial/ethnic population composition and food insecurity associated with COVID-19 infection rates? Findings This cross-sectional study of 3133 US counties found that there was an association between race/ethnicity and COVID-19 infection rate, with an interaction with food insecurity in counties with large Black and American Indian or Alaska Native populations but not in counties...

Recent Legislation Can Dramatically Improve Substance Use Prevention: Here's How To Seize The Opportunity []

By Linda Richter, Lindsey Vuolo, and Robyn Oster, Health Affairs, June 10, 2021 The recent and ongoing opioid crisis has prompted a surge in much-needed legislative attention and action to bolster our nation’s response to addiction. Congress passed the Comprehensive Addiction Recovery Act in 2016 and the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act in 2018 to address opioid misuse, addiction, and overdose deaths through a variety of initiatives in prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and...

How resident-led advocacy in Rochester, N.Y. is creating a more playful city []

By Jenn Beideman, Brookings Institution, June 10, 2021 Over the last year, the intersecting crises of COVID-19, economic insecurity, and systemic police brutality have compounded toxic stress for children across the country and inflicted a disproportionate toll on Black and Latino or Hispanic youth. Research shows that toxic stress in childhood caused by poverty, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and racism significantly alters overall brain structure and function in children,...

Addressing the Heightened Crisis of Childhood Trauma []

By Lauren Camera, U.S. News & World Report, June 10, 2021 It wasn't all that lon g ago when Rep. Ayanna Pressley was laughed out of rooms when as a councilwoman in Boston she'd try to have serious policy discussions about the impact of childhood trauma. "When I first started to name the issue of childhood trauma 12 years ago," the Massachusetts Democrat says, "people would look at me quizzically and didn't understand what childhood trauma is or how pervasive it is. They tended to...

The Trauma Bond and Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse of children is extremely harmful to their mental and physical health. These kids grow up with mixed messages about who they are and suffer other consequences from never feeling they belong. This piece will focus on the trauma bond and the healing journey that children of narcissists must endure to live happy lives. Traits of a Narcissistic Parent One would think that a narcissistic parent would stand out in a crowd, but this is not true. Narcissists go to great lengths to...

Care Coordination is Key to Children’s Mental Health Equity: Read Our New Brief and Hold MCOs Accountable

Dear Friends and Allies, California is at a historic intersection of unprecedented new resources for children’s mental and behavioral health, and an opportunity to insist on equity in who receives, delivers, and is paid for children’s mental health services. On June 1st, the state released its draft Request for Proposal (RFP) which we hoped would clearly outline what is expected of Medi-Cal Managed Care Organizations (MCOs), including how they would be held accountable to provide required...

4 Ways Heroin Addiction Traumatizes Family Members

Heroin addiction is a powerful and devastating disease that affects the lives of millions of people. Sadly, it doesn’t just affect the person suffering from addiction - it also affects friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, and acquaintances. While people who are stuck in the midst of addiction often fail to think about how their actions are harming those around them, the pain they cause is heart-wrenching. As a former heroin addict who now has several years of sobriety under her...


I can agree with that when it comes to life and especially to life with cancer. But I keep wondering what is hardship anyway? What’s hard? What’s easy? It’s so subjective and varies by person and circumstance. What I do know is I was uncomfortable and unprepared for my PleurX surgery procedure even though it was done at my request. A PleurX is a type of chest tube that can be used at home, allowing me to drain the malignant fluid that accumulates in my right lung due to #ovariancancer. As...

How PACEs Connection Members can watch Wrestling Ghosts this weekend

Wrestling Ghosts is the fourth and final film in the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival series and is available to all PACEs Connection member this weekend. To watch any time from Friday, June 11th through Sunday, June 13th, 2021: Join the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival interest-based community on PACEsConnection Go to this blog post to find the link and the password to stream Wrestling Ghosts. There will be a follow-up discussion on June 15, 2021 at 7 p.m.

An Indigenous Systems Approach to the Climate Crisis []

By Jade Begay, Stanford Social Innovation Review, June 10, 2021 A colleague recently told me that climate justice is about building ties between people, their land, and their traditional, ancestral ways. In all my years of doing environmental work, this is one of most succinct ways I’ve heard to describe what climate justice means for Indigenous People and communities: Reconnecting to our land is an integral piece of addressing climate change, for both our Nations and our wider communities.

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