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Safety First: A Trauma-Informed Approach for Couples Who Want to End Abuse In Their Relationship

If you and your partner want to pursue couples therapy, that’s commendable! There is so much hope and help available in therapy. What if you’re dealing with intimate partner abuse or violence (IPV)? Therapy for domestic violence requires a trauma-informed approach. You may be asking: Can therapy for domestic violence really help? Can couples therapy make things worse? If domestic violence (DV) or abuse exists in your relationship – whether through experience or the fear of it — safety must...

Thoughts To Share

Thoughts to share -“Trauma is perhaps the most avoided, ignored, belittled, denied, untreated, and misunderstood cause of human suffering.” - Peter Levine “Once you start spending enough time with enough toxic people, you run the risk of losing some of your own empathy, simply because you aren’t ever being given any.” - Ramani Durvasula “Even when it makes no sense, practice trusting more in what you feel and sense is calling you and take heart to follow it. Your heart is the place of...

NJ spends $445K a year to lock a kid up. We’ve got a better idea. | Opinion By Charles Loflin | Star Ledger Guest Columnist

New Jersey plans to spend a staggering $445,504 per incarcerated youth in 2022 to house them in facilities that are almost 80% empty. The time is now for New Jersey to close its youth prisons and invest in community-based alternatives. The current system, with its focus wholly on punishment rather than rehabilitation, the current system leaves whole communities — as well as the families of both victims and offenders — with unresolved trauma that continues to reverberate long after the...

Announcing Trauma-Informed Education Courses!

Registration is now open for two summer sessions of this professional development course for educators! Designed to bridge the gap from knowing about trauma to being able to fully implement a trauma-informed approach in the classroom, this course will explore the key principles of a trauma-informed approach, and how they can be applied in an school setting to achieve equitable and just outcomes.

Part 3: The Link Between Implicit Bias, Trust, and Neuroception

While being on the lookout for constant danger is normal for people who have had severe childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences, we all move through a continuum of determining whether the cues we are receiving from others are cues of danger or cues of safety. Understanding how our bodies react to cues of danger and safety is the science supporting The Polyvagal Theory.

How to Help a Kid Stop Lying and Tell the Truth: 9 Steps

Being a parent comes with sacrifices, but also with challenges. As children grow up, they begin to understand the world. And so, lying can appear as a regular behavior. I have two children, aged 10 and 14. I can say that lying was a big problem in our family during their childhood. For example, they lied they brushed their teeth. And of course, you can easily say if they brushed their teeth or not. Honesty is an important quality that helps build stronger relationships and bonds between...

S.O.A.R Into Parenting Subscription Box

In collaboration with several partners, we developed a 6-month subscription box for expectant families in our community. The box contains items for the family and educational opportunities for the extra incentives - local gift cards. Part of the purpose behind creating these boxes and this opportunity was to fill a covid-19 caused void, and provide some educational and supportive opportunities for expectant families. Many of the classes and opportunities for families to attend during the...

Webinar: Family Trauma Solutions - Technology Addiction

Our kids (and parents) are not alright with technology. And the problem has spun out of control with the recent pandemic. Up to 50% of kids surveyed feel addicted to social media and go into withdrawal-like symptoms if their devices are removed ranging from aggression to severe anxiety. And many suffer from a new phenomenon called “nature deficit disorder." In turn, the ongoing drama and conflict that ensues between parent and child often result in long-term trauma in the form of...

There is still time to register!! PACES Connection Supports 3rd Annual Trauma-Responsive Schools Conference

HERE this NOW founder, Emily Read Daniels was thrilled when Jane Stevens agreed to have PACES Connection endorse and sponsor HTN's 3rd Annual Trauma-Responsive Schools Conference. The conference will address the application of The Polyvagal Theory (science behind how we process trauma in our bodies) in schools for the safe return to in-person learning. The virtual conference, June 1-4, 2021, will host teachers, school administrators, and school specialists from across the U.S. and...

Why it’s Important for People with Chronic Illness to Limit Stress and Set Boundaries (Free Healing Fact Sheet to Inform Friends, Family & Your Doctor)

I created a downloadable Healing Fact Sheet in response to a reader who asked if I could create a simple guide that she and others could give to friends, family, neighbors, landlords, lodgers, acquaintances and others. Someone had recently disbelieved her and put her down when she had set a healthy boundary to support her body and her health, and she had felt despair. As so many of us with chronic illness have experienced, this kind of emotional conflict and lack of understanding can be very...

Minneapolis Lawyers Rely on 'Gold Standard' Law to Keep Native American Families Together []

By Elizabeth Amon, The Imprint, May 17, 2021 A federal law enacted 43 years ago designed to protect Native American families from separation is now under threat like no time in recent history. Last month, the Indian Child Welfare Act, widely considered to be the “gold standard” of the field, was found to be constitutional by a federal appeals court. But the justices nevertheless chipped away at key provisions that make the law known as ICWA successful. The lengthy, complicated decision could...

White male minority rule pervades politics across the US, research shows []

By Alexandra Villareal, The Guardian, May 26, 2021 From county officials and sheriffs to governors and senators, white male minority rule pervades politics in the United States, according to a new report published on Wednesday. White men represent 30% of the population but 62% of officeholders, dominating both chambers of Congress, 42 state legislatures and statewide roles across the nation, the analysis shows. By contrast, women and people of color constitute 51% and 40% of the US...

Critical race theory is a lens. Here are 11 ways looking through it might refine your understanding of history []

By Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN, May 27, 2021 Critical race theory is just that -- a theory -- but the term has been weaponized, with its most extreme critics alleging that merely studying the theory is racist. Long before the concept dubbed CRT drew controversy, scholars were studying how bigotry and bias infiltrated American institutions and shaped American life. After all, any telling of American history cannot fairly ignore that 177 of the country's 245 years -- 72% of its existence, all...

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